Not sleeping on my back upright Started by: Tiff

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  • Tiff 11

    Hiya looking for a bit of advice really, I’m only 9dpo and I’m having trouble sleeping I will fall asleep on my back upright but shift while asleep on to my side or just laying flat I could put 100 pillow next to me and I would still move I’m an extremely heavy sleeper and I don’t really no what I’m doing when I’m asleep my partner always tell me in the morning how I was sleeping in the night and it’s making me worried I’m good to damage my implants or they are not going to heal Nicely I’ve tried putting pillows next to me and it don’t help any tips before I end up tieing my self up lol x


    Iv been sleeping downstairs in an arm chair with a hot water bottle on my back and my feet up on a footsy thing, I have pillows for each arm down my sides I’m stuck in their so tight there is no room to slide down! My husband is also sleeping downstairs in an air bed haha I CANT WAIT TO SLEEP ON MY BACK!! So hard isn’t it x

    Stacey 498

    I slept on my settee for the first two weeks as found it easier and my comfy xxxx

    Tiff 11

    I do have a recliner sofa which I did sleep on for the first few days but it gives me a really bad back ache also me and my oh take it in turn as one of us has to get up with the kids in the morning and threw the night I’m just worried about moving the implant or them not sitting right I’m just a super heavy sleep and I always fidget so that most probs don’t help x

    lala111 79

    My surgeon told me to sleep on my back or side from day 1, he said sleep in any position you like except your abdomen, but I personally couldn’t sleep except sitting down for the first 2 weeks then on my back for the following 2 weeks and ever since I’ve been sleeping on my side. Don’t worry your implants are fine xx

    AvantGarde 9

    I bought an orthopaedic bed wedge and that was fab! I always thought that if I started sliding down I would pin an upside slanket to it and put my legs in the arms so it would hold me in place. Luckily I’m a very still sleeper so didn’t need the slanket part!

    Lily 7

    Neck travel pillows are fab for keeping you upright, that’s what I have xx

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