Not the size I asked for Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica

    So I had surgery In early march and I had stated to my surgeon and nurse several times I wanted to be a DD/E post surgery, I was assured 450cc would achieve this for me but it hasn’t.. I’m now 6 weeks post op and fitting into D cup bras I’m just wondering if anyone had this problem or what I could do? I spoke with my nurse today and she stated that I have to wait to see the consultant in June but didn’t really seemed bothered.
    I’m just abit disappointed i had asked several times for 550cc or bigger and was advised this would take me bigger than an E and to stick with 450 I even double checked on the day of surgery that the surgeon thought 450 would achieve the size I wanted

    Anyone been offered a revision due to this for free or at least cheaper?

    I just feel after paying the money, the stress of surgery and I still haven’t achieved what I wanted
    Any ideas or to hear anyone’s own experiences would be great!!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Jessica.
    Hannah 29

    Your breasts can take up to 9 months to properly drop and set in. I would give it time they’re still so new.

    Angie 2

    they won’t give you a free revision because you’re not happy with size, forget about it. otherwise every second of us wanted to have free revision to go bigger

    Georgia 29

    I don’t think they’ll be able to do much because they do state and you sign something consenting that you know that they cannot guarantee any cup size, but if you wanted a bigger size and your surgeon didn’t listen you could bring that up x

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