Not what I expect for the substantial amount of money I have paid! Started by: Ami

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  • Ami

    I have always thought Mya was a great company to go with…until they had my money off me. 1st consultation…free…booked in quickly…friendly….professional. During the consultation I was told I could see the nurse and meet the surgeon on the same day as I have to travel 2 hours to the clinic.
    All went well, needed a few details from my GP before I could make payment and secure a date, to which was followed up very quickly being sorted out on the same day with full payment sent. Once payment was received things started to lack….
    My appointments came through for different days…could have been a simple mistake, so I messaged my co-ordinator as you cannot call your co coordinator directly as they have blocked this option. A few days later still no reply so I contacted Nottingham clinic to sort out, which it was.
    Upon arrival of these appointments I sat around for over an hour waiting to be seen. Surgeon and nurse were great although I was not told at my appointment that I needed a letter from my therapy group that I was currently waiting to undertake.
    So that leaves me here now with 2 weeks prior to my surgery after booking time off work and organising transport, now being told as I have not been under this current therapy group for more than three months (as I was only accepted yesterday) they will have to rebook for 3 months’ time for the op, even though I have just been discharged from a more intense therapy group stating that I am okay to manage on my own but if any assistance needed in future I can contact this other therapy group to which I did as I do not want to relapse. More to the point this is a self-referral to which does not start until mid-June and my op being 25th May.
    I have explained the situation to my coordinator to be told I cannot go ahead with my op unless I have a discharged letter from my new therapy to which I have now cancelled so I can continue with the op but as the letter will not state I have been discharged and that I left on my own basis it may not be accepted, so again I can’t get hold of my coordinator…called the clinic to be told I will get a call back after her next appointment… I am still currently waiting since yesterday afternoon with no response. This is disgusting for a private company…I expected more!


    When I first got my BA done (yes first time becuase I’ve had re-ops becuase of capsular contracture and applying after care but that’s another story) I was on anti-depressants. They said I need a referral letter from my doctors to prove I have been off of them for 6 months or I risk loosing my money…. I had to pay £150 to change the date of my operation


    I didn’t have any issues with regards to the medical side of things but I do agree that they are always running late or wanting to change appointments I think they book to many people for the amount of hours in a day but I cannot fault there after care, I hope you get your op sorted and all goes well for you! It’s def worth the wait xx


    I was completely set on going with mya, I travelled for 2 and half hours for 2 separate appointments, had to wait for over and hour to meet the surgeon when I told him about my medication and counselling he told me I may aswell come back in 4 months, I said as I’ve travelled all of this way and waited all this time time I would still like your medical opinion for future, I was in an out within 10 minutes I felt completely brushed off, I’m booked in next week with a different company and have no issues whatsoever. Mya called me yesterday to say I can have it done with another surgeon, not sure how that works shouldn’t be one rule for and one for another, but I understand your frustration! I’m so happy with the support and communication I have now with a different company x


    I rang 2 days ago to tell them I had a rupture and wanted details on what to do now, I rang again yesterday and still no ones rang me back, after being promised someone would be in touch yesterday ????

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