Noticed a few ladies on here just startin out on the boob job journey thought my story may help Started by: clare

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  • clare

    Yea hope so . He said i should look natural . Yea your new size d should give you a more even proportion . Bet you cant wait now keep a look out for me on here ill leave a lil story of what happens at the op so you got an idea what to expect . Its so close for us both now the adrenalin startin to kick in now cant imagin what ill be like on the day arghh scary


    Either of those will be great its only 50 cc difference so id go for the bigger they do look smaller once in know a few girls that had it done an they look smaller than they are if that makes sense . Mine were a dd an shrank to a b after havin kids so im just fillin up what i lost an going one size bigger lol why not am payin for it .


    I had my pre-op a couple of weeks ago. It doesn’t take long, she just goes through the do’s and don’ts, what to do in preparation etc, she also takes weight, height and blood pressure then takes the dreaded pre-op photos lol, that’s the only bit I didn’t like.

    I wish I was certain about size, I’m a 32c/d now and Mr Adamo said 460 will be best to fill out what I’ve got, I asked if I could have the 410 as didn’t want to be too big but both have been ordered so still umming and ahhing about it. I think what worries me is that I already have boobs so don’t know how much difference this makes to the overall result. He says to expect an e cup which I’d be thrilled with but any bigger does make me nervous.
    What are your stats hun? xxx


    Not even got a sports bra yet lol going shoppin tomorow so gettin it all then . Am havin a day case so not much packin . God seventeen days is nothin is it have you had your pre op yet dunno what to expect mine is on tuesday . What size you hoping for an what size are you now


    No hun, no ready at all, it still seems like months away but just checked and it’s only 17 days eek!
    I’ve got my v-pillow and a selection of sports bra’s but not thought about anything else. I’m staying overnight as travelling up from Cardiff. How about you? x


    Hi rio yea not long now are you all ready i need to pack me bag an get a few bits . Are you havin a day case or stayin over ?


    Hi Clare, I’m also having my ba done on 21st October, keep in touch hunny!

    Melissa, I also went through Cardiff clinic, wonder if I ever bumped into you!

    Rio xxx


    Yea good luck with you 2 speak soon x let me know how your pre op goes


    Thats what im hoping for :bigsmile: Yeah let me know all about your op as your only 2days before me!!! Its come around so quick!! I hope these last 2weeks go just as fast!! Good Luck xxx


    Well iv hated my body for yrs got extra skin on my breast an tummy from pregnancy an decided to fix it . So back in may i booked my first apt with mya after visiting a few surgeons i then come across the discount web site an booked on line . So went to my first apt not knowing what to expect or how i was going to finance my boob job . Lizzy my pc gave me a few options after discussing finance issues an i decided that the pre pay option was
    Best for me so iv paid what i could each week month ever since


    im about 5’7 and am just under 10stone im size 12 bottom half size 8 top half i want to look as natural as poss – dont want draw attention to myself if you know what i mean. You are bigger than me starting out so you should be fine with 410 otherwise your surgeon would have told you xx


    What weight height are you am only 5’2 an 8stone worryin ill look stupid but they supposed to look smaller once in


    Im an A cup so am hoping to be C/D


    He advised the 380cc but pushed him up one size to the 410cc what you hoping to come out with what size are you now ? Im b cup wanting a dd/e


    Thats same as me – i had my consultation in sept and saw Mr Singh on same day i tried implants while i was in with Mr Singh and he recommended 380cc under the muscle – i didnt want to take them out of the bra lol :bigsmile: What clininc did you go to – mine was Cardiff 🙂 What size implants have you been recommended?? I cant wait to go for my pre-op x


    Hi melissa sorry was waffling on with me lil self where you havin yours done an who with im booked at manchester with mr traynor how big you going ?


    In september i went for my first apt with the surgeon he measured me an asked a few questions an then we had a chat on size . I then went into a room with my pc and tried implants i decided the 410cc they look great.finally paid up last week and got my pre op on tues .Im all booked in for 21st oct and im so exited now cant wait .This journey has been emotional and really struggled to pay but hey its been so worth it an i not even got boobs yet .My confidence has grown so much an dint know how determind i am


    Hi Clare when is your op? Mine is on 23rd Oct not long left now :cheer:

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