Nottingham Clinic Started by: Abby Charleton

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    Hey, this is my first post so I hope it works and I get some good feedback! I am due to meet my surgeon and set a date on Monday and so far I’ve been really pleased with the service and helpfulness of the ladies at the clinic. My PC is Kimberley and I am booked in with Dr Kazzazi. I was really excited but coming on here I’ve seen some really bad reviews for service and aftercare but no specific location! Can someone who’s been to the Nottingham clinic give me some feedback! Thanks in advance x

    Rebecca 46

    Omg Abby it’s bec ! Aha are you having them done ? I just had mine done xx

    Lyndsey 4

    Hi, I have been to the Nottingham clinic and I cant fault them. My op is booked in for the 31st Jan with Dr Kazzazi I had a consultation with him a few years ago but had to put off booking my op as i fell pregnant. Dr Kazzai doesn’t say too much but he is very professional.
    My PC is Victoria and Charlotte the nurse is lovely and really down to earth.
    Hope that helps a little.


    That was really helpful lydnsey thank you!!

    Omg Bec haha I didn’t even know you’d had it done, yeah hopefully end of march xx

    Rebecca 46

    Omg really ! What size you having ? Haha I swear everyone is having them ! I had mine done December 🙂 x


    Only going to a big c/d, not sure what cc yet! I’ve wanted them doing since I was 18 but waited till I could afford it myself! How you finding it? Do you like them? How was the pain after? X

    Rebecca 46

    Haha yeah same I waited ! And I was in a bit of pain to start but then was okay after few days it’s just sleeping sat up for a while is annoying . And yeah I wish mine were bigger though ! But I wasn’t allowed bigger lol 🙁 cause my chest frame is so small . I’m defo going bigger next time . My pics are on here so have a look . You will love them x


    I’ve just had a right little nosey and they look amazing!!! I bet you feel bloody amazing with them, putting your size six top on and busting out haha! I’m so excited!!! What size did you aim for? Are they an E? X

    Rebecca 46

    I said around DD I was like big B to start with . But I got
    Measured marks and Spencer’s and debenhams and they said E aha and I do wish I went bigger as in real life there not massive . But compared to what I had before . As if I could wear size 6 tops before I must of been small lol xxx


    I’m a small b, I bet as soon as I’ve had it ill want them bigger haha! I had to come on here cos I just wanna talk boobs all the time at the moment and my family are like shut up for god sake hahaha xx

    Rebecca 46

    Aww bless well you can private message me anyway through here if you wanna talk or whatever 🙂 xxx

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