November surgery. Old ones out, new in and uplift Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 3

    Hey ?
    I’ve just had my second consultation with Mr mahdi and I’m booked in for surgery mid November eekkkk.
    I currently have 460cc hp overs and I’ll be having either 375, 400, 425 depending what he thinks on the day with an uplift.
    Quite worried about the uplift and recovery

    Emma S 46

    Hi Emma
    I had implants with uplift 5 weeks ago and my recovery has been fine.
    I haven’t experienced any pain ?
    I’m so happy with my results … I hope it all goes good for you.

    Emma 3

    Thank you. This gives me hope ? is there anything I need to buy before I go in? I have the bras and a big pillow. Xx

    Emma S 46

    I bought ice packs to help bring the swelling down and some silicone gel for my incisions which you can use from 6 weeks if your nurse agrees and I also use bio oil.
    I think I should have taken arnica tablets to help with my bruising.
    My biggest fear was infection so I had anti bacterial hand gel everywhere ?
    You’ll be fine … I would do it all again tomorrow ?

    Emma 3

    That’s fab thanks. Does the silicone gel need prescribing? Also do I need to take my v pillow to cospital or will I be ok until I get home? Xxxx

    Emma S 46

    No you can get the silicone gel on amazon and I didn’t take my v pillow to hospital but I had a pillow for the car journey home to cushion the seat belt.
    I also used one of those neck pillows which was handy.
    Hope this all helps xxx

    Emma 3

    Yes a great help thank you xxx

    Emma -1

    How was Dr Mahdi, I’ve got a choice between him and Dr Andrea and I don’t know what to do lol x

    Emma 3

    From all the feedback I’ve had I would say he’s very good at what he does. My nurse even said how amazing he is and although I’m only 1 week post op (no seen too much of my boobs yet) they are healing great and like always his work is fab. I’ll add the pics I took 6 days post op. Have you met him? X

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