Now I have my admission time I'm so nervous! Any tips? Started by: Pippa

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  • Pippa

    I’ve not posted on this before but now Ive got my admission time, Im so so nervous! My admission time is 11am at Preston on the 15th! Can someone who’s had the surgery please tell me the run down of what happens when I get there to when I actually have the surgery and any advice on things to bring that I might not of thought about apart from thr obvious? =)

    Thank you!


    I’m at Preston on 3rd July and I would love to know this too! I bet you’re so excited! I am counting down the sleeps:) xx

    Hannah 63

    I had my op on Thursday at Preston. I’d say to set off 20 mins earlier as we were late due to the road being closed, then got stuck in traffic at the diversion because it was 8am. About 30 mins after arriving the anaesthest came in to introduce himself. I did a urine sample for the nurse.
    9:30 my surgeon came to draw on me and told me I was second on the list.
    Then another anaesthest came in after and told me she’d be another 40 mins to take me to surgery- 10 mins later at 10:30 she came back to take me!
    I walked to theatre and the staff are all lovely and reassuring. I woke up crying with happiness after a nice sleep!
    Back in my room for 12:30 with some toast!
    On my way home by 4pm!
    I brought clothes, magazines, my iPad etc. But I didn’t use any of it, just watched a bit of tv and slept!
    Good luck girlies! Sorry for the essay! X

    Laura 47

    Hi pippa! I’m in at 1pm so I’ll very likely see you there! There’s also a lovely girl called Holly who’s in on the same day, I don’t think she’s got her time yet!
    This forum is fab!
    I’m packing some mags, my phone, v pillow for the car back, slippers, macom bra and someone else suggested packing some snacks as sometimes you’re delayed getting discharged?
    I’ll see you there! Really excited now x


    It can’t come quick enough for me! I’m worried about not eating all day if I am in later but that’s it! Thanks for posting what happen’s I feel even more excited now! Xxx

    Laura 47

    Gemma you can eat up to 6 hours before admission time so because I’m in at 1 (surgery probably 3-4 ish) I can have coffee and breakfast before 7am. I’ll be up anyway! Like a kid on Christmas Day ???? X

    Stacey 496

    My admission time is 2pm at Preston in the 14th Jun it Sen soo much more real now xxxx

    Laura 47

    Just two days to wait for you!! It’ll be here so quick! X


    Thanks girls! I’m so excited! Yeah Ill see you there Laura =D Ill look out for you =) Ill let you all know how it goes!

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