have any of you experienced a numb/cramping feeling in your arms ? im 3 days PO and all day my left arm has felt really heavy and numb but on the tops of my shoulder its like a sort of cramping/stitch feeling. does anyone no what this means ? and is it normal or should i be worried
I had this in my right arm at the top, felt numb but no bruising or anything, it’s sort of gone now after 6 weeks but if your worried speak to your nurse xxx
Numbness in the arms can happen but is rare also after breast augmentation but it’s not connected to do with the surgery infact it’s the position you are on the OR table hence unusual pressure is put on the nerves around those areas and stretching so this does subside with time can take sometimes 3 months even..
The scientific name for this is neuropraxia.
Hope this helps and this is from my.knowledge of research only x