Numb/painful nipples – 1wpo Started by: Casey Murrell

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  • Casey Murrell 44

    Hey girls,
    I am 1wpo and my nipples are totally numb – I was wondering if this is normal as I didn’t know if it was? They’re also slightly painful it’s the weirdest sensation! When should they go back to normal xx

    Nikitta 57

    Heya 🙂 that’s totally normal. My nipples started getting the feeling back around 4-6weeks post op and I had all feeling back by 4 months but still got little twinges/electric shock now and then. Totally normal.

    If they hurt or get a bit “sensitive” my surgeon suggested using your 3 fingers and gently tapping on them xxx

    Casey Murrell 44

    Thanks @nikitta95 that really helps! Was so worried I would end up losing a nipple haha! Like there’s literally no sensation in my right one at all but at the same time it really hurts and feels bruised if that makes sense? Just want them to start feeling like my own 🙁 xx

    Nikitta 57

    I know how your feeling I’m going through it again now!:( I had revision surgery last Wednesday so I’m 6 days post op right now. But trust me patience is worth it! By 2 months my boobs were totally my own wearing nice sexy bras, going braless in the bath. The best bit sleeping on my front!!! It was like a I had 2 pillows on my chest so comfy haha. Happy healing!:) xxx


    Hi Casey, my right one was really numb for a while and my left one was super sensitive. I noticed that at 8WPO they’re both finally back to normal with the sensitivity! I couldn’t stand my boyfriend touching them for ages it felt horrible and now I can bounce them and jiggle! So have patience they will get back to normal eventually I promise xx

    emma 40

    Hi casey, I was wondering about this too! I’m 8 weeks post op now and the whole of my left one has been numb since day 1. Hoping it will come back because it feels so weird I hate it haha xxx

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