October BA surgery advice please ! Started by: Lau

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  • Lau 3

    Hello ladies I have my surgery booked in for October 20th at welbeck hospital in London .
    I’m hoping to go to DD/E from a small 34D with mentor 425cc partial implants from what I’ve seen looks like they are going to be bigger but we will see I’m trusting the surgeon knows his stuff!
    I’m not very prepared for the op booked it months ago and I’ve not really thought about it then suddenly it’s in a few weeks! just wondering what advice you girls have on what I need for before and after the op what should I take to hospital etc..
    Thanks πŸ™‚


    My op is 12th October at Preston and I’m having 450cc HP Overs from a 34 A /small B.
    I’ve ordered a V pillow and getting 2 macom bras, some hot&cold packs, constipation tablets, Palmers stretch mark cream, neck pillow, some extra pillows to prop me up and keep me cosy, button up pj top, loads of button up shirts/tops, extra pain killers and I’ve still got to buy some arnica tablets to help with bruising that I’ll start taking 2 days before the op. I’ve got some multivitamin tablets that I might take depending on what the nurse says.

    Make sure you get loads of DVDS, magazine/ books, Netflix ect to keep you occupied on your days off

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Good luck! My op is in just under 6 weeks – it feels so far away still!
    In my BA box (yes, I have a whole box of stuff, haha!) is:
    β€’ Arnica tablets (for bruising) – I plan to start taking these a few days pre op
    β€’ Hard peppermint sweets – to help with nausea after coming around from surgery
    β€’ Macom
    β€’ V pillow
    β€’ Extra pillows
    β€’ Neck pillow
    β€’ Vitamins (B complex, zinc, iron & C, magnesium) – to assist my body with recovery. These can’t be taken within 7 days of the op.
    β€’ Paracetamol, ibuprofen, co-codamol – in case I need pain relief once prescriptions have ran out
    β€’ Heat / cool pack – cool to relieve swelling, heat to relieve potential back pain from sleeping upright
    β€’ Top to toe wipes – a poor substitute for a bath / shower
    β€’ Senokot – in case I get bad constipation from anaesthetic / meds
    β€’ Aquaban – a girl recommended this to reduce bloating post op so will give them a go.
    β€’ Science Of Skin stretch mark deterrent / Bio Oli / moisturiser – I am expecting to get stretch marks so I’m going to do everything I can to prevent them!

    That’s everything in my box but there are things like the below which you should also consider for the day / recovery:
    β€’ Front fastening tops / Pjs
    β€’ iPad / iPod / magazines for entertainment
    β€’ Drinkjng straws – apparently these come in handy as supposedly even lifting a glass to your mouth can be a challenge
    β€’ Flannel – some recommended this to me as they started getting really hot after the op and this was of great help to cool down.

    … That’s all I can think of so far. Xx

    Lau 3

    Thanks girls ! Amazing help I better get shopping! Where did you get your v pillows from? And also I got one Macom bra do you think I need more ? They are such an ugly shape x


    I ordered mine from amazon because all the argos stores near me were always sold out. I paid about Β£8/9 in total with delivery and got a free pillow case with it in support of the NHS. I also got hot/cold packs from amazon for about Β£6.

    I’ve got 2 macoms on the way to swap between washing/ getting hot and sweaty ect. Perhaps get an m&so high impact sports bra, they zip up I think.

    Lau 3

    Ok thanks Hun I’ll have a look:)

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