Off topic…..but feel like a corner could be turned Started by: Laura

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  • Laura -1

    Finally! I get to do something with my life, I have gone from school to college done 3 courses since the age of 16, worked, had a baby so needed to stop working….and all of a sudden it felt like my world had come to an abrupt halt………Had to rid of my motor, my job, my old life pretty much especially by moving to a new town 40 miles from family and friends. But now 18 months later it looks like I can start with new studies in Psychology in Oct 2013 to hopefully pursue a career in criminal psychology…..Fingers Crossed all goes to plan haha ….x

    Chloe 1

    Ohhhh good luck! My sister does criminal psychology and absolutely loves it!! Xxx

    Laura -1

    Oh does she, Oh brill…..How she getting on with it? Is she finding it a little challenging or is she poldding along nicely with it?? I’m hopping I’ll be a plodder lol…..Would be fantastic to get into that field of work lol 😀 xx


    Aww well done Laura, hope it all goes to plan for you. New boobs, new life 😉 xxx


    Well done u luv, couldn’t agree more with h… boobs, new life x x

    Laura -1

    Aww Thank you Ladies :D…Yea defo new boobs, new life *Hi 5* to that lol xx

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