Offered 275cc 32A 5ft 49kg, photos please, will this make a D cup? Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 9

    Hi Everyone, I am worried I have chosen too small a size, I had my first surgeon consultation yesterday, he said he could not go any bigger than 300cc and said that could be too big for my frame, I’m a size 6/8 in tops, more of an 8 in bottoms, so we agreed on 275cc, under the muscle, I want to be a D cup. (stats in the title) he said he can not guarantee cup size, but said he expected that 275cc will give me a full C, possibly D. If there is anyone with similar stats (as I am struggling to find 32A, 5 footers who went for 275cc ) I would love to see photos and know what size they turned out in the end? was 275cc enough to get a D cup. Also he told me I have a big gap between my breasts? isn’t that what a push up bra’s for?! Honestly would be so grateful for some advice xx

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Claire 9.
    Grace 10

    Hi, I’m not sure how much help my post will be but here goes! I had BA 9 years ago, I was a 32a, 5’5 and a size 6/8 top and size 8 bottoms. I had my surgery elsewhere but had medium-high profile round implants in a 230cc. I was told that this was the biggest I could go to. This took me to a full C cup, some shops I would need a D bra and others a C. I have since had 2 children and now struggle to fill a B cup bra! So I am looking into having these implants replaced. I have been for a consultation at a private hospital near me and have been advised to go for a 410cc in a high profile anatomical implant. But every one is so different from what I’ve seen on posts, one size could take one lady to a C cup but the same implant on another lady could take her to an E cup. X

    Jenna x 53

    If it helps I am booked in on Wednesday for surgery I’m 5ft2 size 8 and I’m having 350cc partials xx

    Stacey 7

    I was 32a and had 300cc and now 2.5 months after surgery I measuring 32dd

    Heidi 217

    Im 5ft3 size 8, was a 32AA (so smaller than you I literally had nothing) had 300cc HP unders and now measure a 32D (3.5 months post op) and 25cc is only the equivalent of a shot glass. Try think of the sizers and not get caught up on the numbers cause they look different on everyone anyway:) xx

    Abbey 7

    Everyone’s bodies carry implant sized so different.
    One of the best things I got told, was to always listen to your surgeon.
    I had BA in July, I’m about 5’2, weight just under 8 stone, and wear size 4-6 in clothes.
    I was offered 250cc over the muscle and I was like wtf that’s tiny, no one had the same as me and I was so so so scared I had gone to small.
    I stuck with it, and I now measure at a 32E!!!
    I’m so glad I listened to my surgeon, and took her advice because they are the people who know what there talking about!!
    If I’m doubt, go back and see the implants again and try them again! I did and it helped xxxxxx

    Laurane 12

    Hi! I was a 32/34A before my op. I had 300cc and now measure a 32DD at 9WPO. I’m 5’5 and 50kg. Like everyone else has said, even the same size will look different from one person to the next. I noticed you didn’t mention what profile your surgeon suggested? I only ask because I had HP and I now have a large gap between my boobs that no bra helps. I’ve disliked it more and more as my boobs have changed and I’ve recently found out it’s down to the profile that was chosen. Moderate profile would have been better for me and I may be having a re-op down the line.

    Bernie 100

    Hey! don’t worry too much the surgeons generally follow what’s best for your body! I’m 5ft and pretty much same weight had 275cc and now measure at a DD xxxx

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    Anca Matei 25

    Hey I am same like you I had 350 and I am a full C cup now after 7 months . Xx

    Claire 9

    Hi everyone! Thank you for replying and sharing your stories it has been helpful and really put my mind at ease. I’ve booked my surgery for December. Bernie your boobs look amazing, I so hope mine turn out as well as yours have. Grace it’s interesting to hear how yours have changed over time, which is something I’ve been wracking my brains about but the way I see it our bodies are going to change anyway, good luck for the next procedure, so exciting hope it will go as well as the first, it’s reassuring to hear that 230 made you a C as we are similar stats. Jenna I hope your recovery is going well! I’m going to get 300cc HP dual plane round silicone, Stacey and Heidi it’s so reassuring to hear you are happy with size, it really does put my mind at ease, and that they made you D/DD, I haven’t told anyone other than my husband, and my friend who had overs about 4 years ago and she had a great experience, she’s so happy with them still. Abbey your so right I mean 250 made you an E! I should try and stop worrying, I think the smaller implants have a bigger effect on petite and shorter ladies, surgeon told me he wouldn’t want to go bigger than 300cc and even 300cc is pushing it to the maximum, so i’ll Go with that! I was worried about the gap in my boobs and it’s going nowhere lol even with implants, It’s good to hear I’m not the only one who worries about this Laurane and I will be speaking to my surgeon again to hear his thoughts, it was the first thing he said when he saw my boobs – i’d never noticed it before! Thank gawd i’ll Be out for the count during the op, I’m quite the prude I’m afraid! Nurses have all been so lovely tho. I’m scared of the pain but hopefully the medication will be good enough so I don’t feel too much, most pain I’ve ever experienced is horrific period pains which make me feel nauseous so the minute I feel a twinge I take paracetamol straight away. I’ve been looking at bras and lingerie something I normally don’t enjoy as nothing fits properly, getting excited 😀 xx

    Cole 24

    How tall are you ? Xx

    Claire 9

    Hi Cole, I’m exactly 5ft/153cm xx

    Jenna x 53

    Claire I know what you mean before this surgery the most medication I’d ever had was amoxicillin or Nurofen lol I highly recommend the morphine though that stuff is amazing felt like I was flying hahaha
    Good luck for your op and hope you get your D cup!!

    Megan 18

    I’m similar stats to you I’m 5ft 1 I weigh 49kgs and pre surgery I was completely flat, a double A if I was lucky.
    I got 350cc high profile round implants 13 weeks ago. I got measured at 6 weeks and I was a 30DD or a 28E! They haven’t even fully dropped and fluffed yet so they could get bigger. Everyone is different but I think you’ll definitely achieve a D xxx

    Laura 2

    I’m 5ft 1, 47kg size 6 and had my op a week ago. Was a 32A and had 300cc HP, now squeezed in to a 32D post op bra. Hope this helps.

    Chanel 17

    I was a 32a and my weight was 49kg time of surgery I thought I was 51kg but I weighed in 49kg on the day, I am a size 6 and had 175cc high profile under muscle, and that has bought me to a 32C/30D 🙂 I’m very happy as that was the aim I was after and it has given me very natural results! X

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Chanel 17.
    Chanel 17

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    I would post a photo but it doesn’t let me ☹️

    Katerin 20

    Hey girls. Is there a group chat on WhatsApp for Surgeries booked in December??? 🙂 xx I’m 32a but I’m getting 400cc. Not sure if this will be a good size. I’m seeing my nurse tomorrow for my pre op so I’m going to try sizes on again! I’m not with Mya though i decided to go with another surgeon.


    Chanel do you have pics of before and after please

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Kam.

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