On the day of the op! Started by: Keira

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  • Keira 51

    I’m in a bit of a mess tbh 🙁 they’ve changed my date twice now last minute and its now this Friday, but I can’t get anyone to go with me. Do you have to have someone with you when you arrive or do you just need to make sure you’ve got someone to pick you up and take you home?

    Alex 119

    I’ve been told as long as someone takes me home that’s enough. My boyfriend won’t want to sit and wait for me while I’m getting my surgery (there’s a pub down the road haha). Why have they changed your date so late? Doesn’t seem fair!

    Amy 265

    I was told there must be someone with you all the time. But I would ring your pc and find out.

    Rebecca 46

    I got told I must have someone with me aha and your boyfriend will wanna wait with you Alex trust me because if you need water or the toilet you need to buZz the buzzer and the nurse doesn’t stay in your room at all so your boyfriend will have to do this as you won’t be able to get up and press it aha ! You will want him there trust me ! X

    Alex 119

    Rebecca I just mean when I’m actually in surgery but once I’m back he’ll be there definitely! Of course I want him there haha x

    Rebecca 46

    Oh hahaha the surgery is only like 45 mins babe xxx

    Alex 119

    He’s easily bored lol I don’t think he realises just how much he’s going to have to look after me yet! He’s gunna be sick of me haha xox

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