One boob dropped an starting to fluff Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    This morning i have took a picture of my boobs an deleted it because they just look horrendous today!! I had one that was dropping an the other wasnt an this morning i have got up an the one thats dropped seems to be fluffing out abit so now not only do they look different shapes because of having one dropped while the other hasnt even started to drop, but now i have 1 noticable bigger than the other!! Arhhh these boobs are driving me nuts why cant i be one of them that look good from day 1 like half of you on here lol! Xx

    Stephanie 137

    Hi hun, don’t worry mine are exactly the same at the mo. How far along are you? I went for my two week check up on tues and that’s when the nurse said that one has started to drop a little. I was freaking out too lol. But honestly the more I read and the more she assured me that it was totally normal I’m fine about it now πŸ™‚ It will even out eventually. The waiting game is annoying but we’re just gunna have to be patient lol! I’ve attached a pic below of mine, you can probs see which one has started to drop. Xx

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    Laura 143

    Yours look amazing though hun mine look like something from botched bodies haha so frustrating. I know its normal for them to do things at different times but with having 1 dropped before the other i thought the other would be the next to drop then i would start fluffing but no! My dropped boob is starting to fluff an the other hasnt bloody budged yet lol so now they just look even more weird because they was already different shapes now they are different shapes and sizes lol im 4wpo i saw my surgeon just a couple of days ago he said they are fine an its normal but still so annoying i just hope it doesnt take too long for the other to catch up xx

    Becks 17

    @lauraj1987 hi hun, mine were the same as u described for nearly 8 weeks but they’ve started to even out now! They were horrendous at first, so bloody square and stuck on lol
    They’ve dropped a lot but I don’t think they’ve fluffed yet, at least I hope not as I want them to get bigger/fuller than this as I’ve gone from a 36dd to a 34c! Arrrrrrr!
    Mine are still pretty pointy from the side too, how have u found having unders??
    This waiting game is driving me nuts, don’t wanna wish mg life away but wish I was at 6 months post op already haha xx

    Stephanie 137

    Thank you but honestly the other day I was totally freaking out, thinking it’s gunna stay like this forever! Oh no I doubt they look like that at all! It really is so annoying that they do this at different times lol! Suppose it’s true have to think of them as two operations! That’s great that you seen your surgeon already! Hopefully the other one will catch up soon πŸ™‚ xx

    Laura 143

    Awh i hope it hurrys up an evens out… an same here i wish i was 6months post op just to see what iv got for my money lol i have found unders fine i didnt really have any pain i was really lucky with my recovery i think unders it just takes alot longer than overs for them to look good! So thats pretty frustrating xx

    Laura 143

    Yrah definitely true that they are like 2 seperate operations. Being patient is hard though! An i feel botched haha hopefully in a few more weeks they will be better! Xx

    Hannah 214

    I have the same thing my left has definitely dropped into a nice place and my other one is sitting about a half an inch above it. So annoying as I tried a normal bra on and the high one just won’t sit in the cup! Xx

    Georgia 3

    I’m the same . 11 days po and my left side is so much bigger. I prefer the size of the left as right is snaller. Right had bigger implant in but is smaller now. I’m scared she put them wrong way round and the left had bigger implant. Just praying it’s swelling x

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