One boob smaller than other? Started by: Shkeela

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  • Shkeela

    Hi there, my operation for my breast enlargement is on 14th April, My appointment with the surgeon is this thursday.

    The question i have is that my left breast is smaller than my right, not by a great difference but is noticeable so is it best to have a bigger implant in my left breast or once the implants are in will it even out?
    I was hoping to go for 400cc, but once hearing that you are able to go different sizes in breasts i was contemplating going 425cc in my left breast.

    Can anyone give me advice who have had different size implants or if anyone has the same problem as me but got the same size implants, did it even them out?


    I think if its a big difference the surgeon will put in two different sizes of implant cc to make them symmetrical , then again some people have a lower crease incision i think to lower one boob slightly with implants, if this is a question on your consultation and the surgeon doesnt mention it, id just ask him to settle your mind 🙂
    There are quite a few girls on here who have had two different sizes 🙂

    Kate 18

    Hey, don’t worry your surgeon will make the decision for you about the difference in size. He’ll know exactly how much smaller one is to the other and will put a bigger implant in based on his judgement 🙂
    I had 250cc in my right and 350cc in my left – initially my surgeon was going to do 275cc and 350cc but on the day of surgery he did the smaller boob first and made a judgement about what size to put in the bigger one, which ended up 250cc.
    You’re totally in safe hands, just leave it to your surgeon – I wouldn’t worry!
    Mine didn’t even out properly until about 7 weeks either – so if you’re panicking after a few weeks don’t worry haha it’s a long process!
    Good luck 🙂 xx

    Danielle 131

    @keela I have 375cc in my left and 400cc in the in my right to fix 1.8cm difference I have previously. I am currently 2 weeks post op and my smaller Breast is still smaller but that’s only because I have a lot of swelling in my right Breast. I will add you and you can take a look at my pics for reference.

    It can take a while for them to settle down and even out. Unfortunately it’s far harder to be patient if the reason you are getting it done is to fix assymetry, believe me I’ve had a few tears over it lol


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