Hiya. So I had my operation yesterday 350cc under muscle. And they put the breast band on me, and OMG it’s so tight! I feel like I can hardly breathe!! I can’t feel the stitches ect… it’s just the top feels so tight and really achy, the muscles really hurt and the pain killers just arnt touching it. I can’t even get out of bed, I just feel so awful, please tell me this is all normal? I am a person who worries a lot and I am very aware it’s only been a day haha so I will be in pain. But it’s just this band is so bloody tight and the top of my boobs really ache and hurt when I breathe in/out. I also still have the pen ect on me from surgery which at the minute I’m just leaving on there, I was just wondering when did everyone first wash, obviously I won’t have a shower I’ll just be sort of having a flannel wash, but at the minute I just can’t think of anything worse than standing up to wash. So when did everyone first have their wash? And how? Sorry for all the questions. And Thankyou for any help