One smaller then other Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia 3

    Hi had my op tues . Surgeon said she used 365 on my bigger boob and 385 in smaller side. Said the smaller implant was more difficult to get in as I have scoliosis so my chest wall and ribs are pushed forward. She said that it took her a lot longer to make the pocket big enough so I will be more swollen this side. I can’t help worrying she put wrong implant in and I have bigger implant in my bigger side. Everyone telling me don’t be silly surgeon wouldn’t make that mistake and she explained why I’m more swollen the bigger side already. Feeling so anxious but don’t want to call make a fool of myself

    Hannah 214

    I have 2 different sizes as well and The side with the smaller implant is bigger! I keep thinking to myself maybe he put the implants around the wrong way, even tho he wrote on my chest the sizes. Give it some time hopefully it will sort itself out xx

    Georgia 3

    It’s horrible isn’t it. I think I’m just over anxious. My daughter looked at my notes when I was at the hospital and it def said the two diff sizes. I would die if bigger one was put In my bigger size as don’t want to go through this again. I’m due back a week tue so will double check then. Maybe it’s just normal if yours is the same as well. She did say it took a long time to get my smaller implant in so maybe with all the tugging it would be more swollen xx

    Georgia 3

    Hi Hannah,
    Have your boobs settled yet ? Mine still look different. My smaller side with the bigger implant seems to be smaller today. I was going to call the hospital and ask them to
    Check the correct size was put in smaller one but decided to wait until my app on Tuesday. I think I’m just being impatient x

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