one week post op Started by: dutty09

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  • dutty09

    This time last week I was at the hospital waiting to get ready and be told when I was going to go down for my tummy tuck! And now here I am sat at home, off to Bristol tomorrow to have the dressing off and see my new tum! I feel a lot easier today. I have found tat as each day goes by, something else starts to feel better or get easier for me! I just had my first real cough this morning. Lol. The only problems I have encountered are with the corset and with my back. Not being able to bend at the waist has been hard for me! But I am glad now that I had it done, will make so much difference to my confidence! I can wear dresses and not feel that people are looking and wondering if I am pregnant! Am now looking forward to when I can have a BA!!

    Claire xx

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