One YEAR post op Started by: HappyMyaGirl

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    Hey Girls,

    So I am coming up to being one whole year post op! (Gone so quick) I had mine done on the 19th Novemeber. I absolutely love my boobs!! But I still don’t have full feeling back!! :'( they are still quite numb, to the point that I don’t like touching them sometime cause it feels weird!! Anyone else as far post op as me!?

    I still do NOT regret having them done. Will upload new pics soon xx

    Jennie 1

    Hope you don’t mind the add. I had mine done toad and am currently recovering at The Fitzroy in London. Do u mind me asking what size you had and whether unders or overs? I had 400cc overs and at the moment they feel too far apart, did you have this problem? Do I just need to be patient?


    Hey, I’ve had like a 100 new requests since I haven’t been on in soooo long. So send me a request if you like 🙂
    I was a 32A and had 380cc overs. I had the opposite problem mine were so close together after my op, but yes be patient as I was so worried but they turned out perfect for me. They will change shape so many times in the next few months so don’t worry to much 🙂 x

    Jennie 1

    Thanks, that’s really reassuring and yours look great. Hope mine heal well x

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