Oooops! Woke up sleeping on my front… Started by: Maryanne Louise

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    I’m 9dpo and because I’m virtually pain free I’ve been waking up either on my side or on my front. My partner keeps waking me up through the night when he notices that I’m not sleeping up right but when he doses off I must turn over without thinking. I haven’t had any pain when I’ve woken up.


    Do I need to worry?

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun is try to sleep on your back up right as you can stop the implants settling into there pockets on the right place xxx

    Helen 29

    No no no you must sit up we have all had to endure bad sleep aching backs, you can’t be having great nights sleep that’s so unfair hahahahahaha (your message really did make me smile)
    No being serious now they tell us to do these things for a reason and we have all spent our well earn pennies to have great boobs so few more pillows in your bed stop you from rolling onto your side, pillow under your n
    Knees may stop you from sliding down, it help me. You are so nearly there it’s not mush longer 😉 xx


    Hahahahahah!! Oooops. I’m going to just try my best ha. Thank you girls I know not long ha! Cx

    Laura 47

    It’s really hard! And as much ch as people tell you not to you can’t help what you do in your sleep! I put something similar a few weeks ago, each night I set up my pillows, v pillow and bolster then a pillow for under my knees and went to sleep upright. I woke up flat on my back every single day! xx

    Sylvianna 47

    maybe if it keeps happening hun you could try buying a bed wedge and putting a pillow on your bottom? i didnt get the former as was spending way too much but having a pillow right on my bum when i slept and one just past my bum like on my thighs helped me stay in that position till i woke up when i also used the v pillow xxx


    Thank you girls it wasn’t so bad last night still woke up to pulling myself back up again but I suppose you can’t help it much when you’re asleep. Nurse told me not to worry about it as much. Thank you for all your advice I’ll try it tonight and let you all know xxx

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