Op all done!!!! 450 high profile overs Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 5

    Had my op this morn can’t believe how quick it’s all gone! I was the first in the list which was good, I can’t even remember falling asleep and just woke up in recovery feeling all cosy and sleepy!
    Had my lunch now and lots of tea and water as my throat was so so dry but luckily not sore! I had 450 high profile subfascial overs and to be honest the pain isn’t as bad as I thought, more so just stiff and tight, loving the results so far but hoping they aren’t too swollen as the size looks perfect for my frame so far!
    I’ve attached photos before and then straight after, can’t see much just yet but didn’t cover the nipples as feel this is a big part in the change you see after!
    Will update as I go but so far happy new booby day to me!! Xxx

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    Joey 8

    Wow they look amazing! I’m due to have HP 350cc on the 27th and worried they may look fake, but feel better now I have seen yours!

    Amy 5

    @jellytot123 it all depends on your frame Hun! What are your stats? I don’t think 350 hp would look fake as mine look really natural already but it’ll depend what you’re starting out with if you’re cup size is bigger to begin with? Xx

    Hey Hun I could of had 485 UHP but decided 450 hp would be good as I didn’t want the overall roundness of the UHP but it’ll depend what shape you want, if you’re similar to me I think the 450 will look great! Are you wanting overs too? And I didn’t go with mya in the end I had a surgeon local to me, so it was easier to get to as I’ve got a little girl! Good luck! Xx

    Joey 8

    I’m 5’2 and currently 32b and I weigh around 8 stone 3. My ps recommend a high profile as my chest is petite?! Thank you, yours look amazing! What’s recovery like, I’ve got a long drive I need to do 5days after :/ xx

    genna 14

    Wow they look amazing!! I’m having 500cc hp partials on the 16th nov!! Our befores are very similar mine a little smaller tho!! How’s are u feeling now? Xxx

    Nancy B 11

    Hey they look fab congratulations on your new boobies x
    how you feeling x
    Keep on top of meds and plenty of water
    Oh and plenty of rest lovey xx

    Amy 5

    @jellytot123 that size should look really good on you then Hun!! And I don’t know if I’d feel up to a long drive 5dpo but I suppose see how you feel! Are you allowed to drive before the first week?? Xx

    hey Hun, not feeling too bad just quite sore and lots of stretching and tightness but not as awful as I imagined to be! I’ve breastfed my little girl for 20 months so think my skin didn’t have to stretch as much as somebody’s who hadn’t done it before so I think that helped, they also don’t feel as big as I thought but they’ve got to soften and settle yet!! Looking forward to the journey! It’s exciting, your time will fly by xx

    had codeine and paracetamol and ibuprofen but still not 100% comfortable but guess that’s to be expected! Thanks Hun, have you had surgery yet? What you had if so? Xx

    Joey 8

    I’m not sure, my ps said I should be able too, but have read that not many people are able too. I guess I will just have to wait and see, fingers crossed! How’s your recovery going? Xx

    Amy 5

    @jellytot123 hey Hun, got to admit I’m struggling a bit tonight, can’t get comfy and chest is still very swollen! Think I’m going to struggle to get to sleep and my shoulders feels so tense too 🙁 hopefully it only gets better from now on 🙁 xx

    Nancy B 11

    Hi amy @yogibear11
    I had 375 in left and 400 in right
    Im plodding along feel bit better today cab raise arms but not enough to do my hair
    Im taking ibuprofen every 3 tp 4 hours they seem to help more then anything else
    I feel a bit wheezy and out of breath dont know if this is normal x

    Ellie 65

    I also had 450cc HP how you feeling today?xx

    Ellie 65

    Yes I did Sophie xx

    Amy 5

    Actually feel much better today, I find if I keep on top of my pain meds especially the ibuprofen then I am quite comfortable, even managed to walk round town today and have a shower and wash my hair, so definitely better than I felt yesterday!! Still don’t like the shape of them, they’re very swollen in the centre and quite pointy! But I know I’ve got to be patient and see how they settle and take shape over time!!! Xxx @elliebannisterx

    I felt a bit wheezy last night trying to get to sleep but you just need to keep reminding yourself to keep taking nice deep breaths slow and steady if you’re feeling like there’s lots of pressure on your chest, how many days post op are you? And did you have overs? Xx

    Ellie 65

    Oh that’s good! I can’t wait for my strapping to come off next week I’m so jealous you get to see yours already!xx

    Nancy B 11

    @yogibear11 im 8 days po i had unders
    Feel better today alot better its been quite a week! Ive finished my antibiotics they made me feel sickly
    Side boobs are very tender
    How you finding the sleep x

    Nicola 26

    Hi Amy.You look great.Can I ask,are you allowed to shower so soon after? I’m dreading not being able to shower for days after.xx

    Amy 5

    @elliebannisterx I know Hun I’m glad I didn’t have to have strapping!! In a way it’s good as it means you don’t take too much notice of them for the first week and try to find every little flaw lol! Bet you’re excited to have your strapping off! Xx

    hey, I’m 6 days post op now and only sleeping with a v pillow behind me and I’m as comfy as I’ll be to be honest as I’m a proper side sleeper so can’t wait to be able to sleep on my side again! Hopefully I can in a few weeks…hope you’re feeling ok now x

    hi!! I’ve got water proof bandages so I’ve been able to shower from day 1! Had a quick shower the morning after surgery and then washed my hair and showered the day after and been fine since, get my bandages off tomorrow and I’ve got dissolvable stitches so hopefully they’ll just dissolve and sort themselves out, can’t wait to see the scars!! Have you got surgery booked? Xx

    Nicola 26

    Hi Amy.That’s great for you.Yeah my op is 7th Nov down in the Pines hospital in Manchester.xx

    Abbie 11

    What’s the difference between subfascial overs and partials? I’m booked in for subfascial overs in October! Yours look great! Xx

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