op date 30th overs 525 Started by: angels24

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    Hi girls back off holiday now not long till my big day so excited its nearly hear… had my cons with mr traynor today 525 overs im 5ft 2 9stone anyone had theres done same stats as me so i can see results .

    im so looking forward to this now as i dont need uplift too just implants xx how are you all getting on?


    Hey, I’m the same weight and height as you and going for the same implant size (unless I’m offered bigger of course) I’m going with Mr Singh though. What size are you starting out as?


    Angel iv added u as want to get help finding this finance place if thats I tried to private message u but it wont let me…I think u can only message when friends lol xxx


    okay jade thanks and happme im currently 34b huni what size are you now ?and whens your op?

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