Op day tomorrow @ fitzroy! 500cc partials from a 34b Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Got my admission time through this afternoon – 7.30 am 🙂
    I felt so sick with nerves this morning, really restless and my gut was in knots! I feel strangely calm now, I think it’s because I know when I need to leave etc, it’s weird to think that this is my last night with my small boobies – it’s like the final goodbye!
    It’s that time of the month when my boobs have started swelling though, why do they have to do it now?! They can swell up to a cup size sometimes and my nippled are so sensitive, not the best time for them to be operated on haha but hey ho. I wonder of they will still fluctuate once I’ve had my implants in, has anyone else has this post op? X

    Gemma 19

    Good luck!! exciting times I’m having mine 17th march !! x

    Tracy 35

    Hey Hun I’m not sure about them fluctuating at time of the month as I’m only 10 days post op, got that to experience I suppose lol, my monthly started the day after surgery and as I was early days didn’t notice anything different, good luck for tomorrow Hun, it’s amazing how sentimental you feel about your boobs isn’t it? I was exactly the same but definitely don’t look back now, I had 50occ and love the size, all the best, new boobies here you come x x x


    @gemmajackson thanks 🙂 not long now for you either! What clinic are you with?

    yeah its so weird….I defo didn’t expect to feel sentimental about them considering how much I’ve hated them over the years! I guess it’s just knowing this is them gone forever ha x

    Tracy 35

    I know Hun , I actually cried, which was so weird as I had hated mine for so long as well, we just must be sentimental sods lol x x x

    Gemma 19

    Preston clinic with Mounir! hope everything goes well xx


    @gemmajackson I’ve heard good things about the Preston clinic, most girls get their admission times through a few days beforehand 🙂 x

    Gemma 19

    i wouldn’t like receiving mine too late in the day, id get to nervous id rather know the time!! cannot wait i bet your so excited! x


    @gemmajackson fingers crossed you get an early one hey x
    I’ve got past the calm stage and am starting to feel nervous again! Aaah such a roller coaster of emotions x

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