Op done!! 270cc moderate overs! Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 2

    So happy so far, haven’t been able to see them properly yet as I have to wear this tape for another 2 days and the compression bra! But loving the size with clothes, so much of an improvement from my barley 32As! Hoping to be a full C

    Kimberley 4

    Congrats ! How did you feel it went ? Were you nervous at all ? Hope the heeling process goes really well for you x

    Sarah 2

    I was slightly nervous but more excited, and then I spent a long time waiting for my turn as I was the last out of 4 so just wanted it over with by that point! They said the surgery went well, but I was a bit sick after the anaesthetic, and had to sleep upright so that was a bit uncomfortable. Feeling great today! So glad I had overs in the end.

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