Op don't today!!! So happy Started by: mlevans1

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    Hi ladies. I went with transform in the end and had my op this morning. The hole experience has been amazing the people here are so nice and my op went so well. Just before I went in I said to the surgeon please do as natural as you can and he said I can’t guarantee completely natural 300 and under is the size for completely natural, I started to panic a bit thinking oh no have I gone too big but he was lovely and honest. Com round from the anaesthetic looked down and I had boobies it was so weird. My mum took a photo and I was just so happy they look exactly as I hoped they would i love the size a think they sit so well. I know they have so much changing to do and this is just the beginning but they look natural already I’m just so happy. Ladies waiting for your ops don’t be scared your in safe hands and I already think this is the best thing I’ve ever done!!!! And I’m in no pain at all 4 hours post op… Sure that will soon change lol. Happy happy happy xxx

    Cherry91 -1

    Awww congrats Hun, happy healing 🙂 xxx


    congrats xxxx


    congrats hun x

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