So I have my Op in 10 days at London Fitzroy.
I have days where I’m really nervous, and then days where I’m super excited! It’s come round so quick!!
So I’m awaiting my medical summary to be sent to mya from my gp, which was on 23rd December!
With about 4 calls to and throw it had to be resent 3 times because my GP hadn’t received it. -anywho, last week I was told they had received it. But they have still not sent back the request to MYA and I have 10days to go! I’m getting so frustrated!! Waiting for a call today to speak to the woman because I’m not happy. Imagine if I had my surgery sooner and it wasn’t done, I wouldn’t be able to have it,,!
Hey hun you could if u have time schedule an appointment with the dr you named on the summary thing or ask they give you a call back. Stress to them you need the paperwork back asap as its for surgery.
Or ask your pre op nurse to contact them also
I had to chase mine down also and was hounding the receptionist eventually it was found and sent straight back bur my go only worked mons and Fridays hence the delay!
How did you know when you are still waiting for the doctors to reply? Did your nurse tell you or did you have to chase them to find out? I just don’t want anything left till the last minute! Trying to be really organised and prepared! xx
Thanks fran! I’m gonna call them again.
And holly, just because when they first sent it off my Pc said just to double check they received it, and they hadn’t so it took 3 attempts. And then I received a message from my Pc yesterday saying they hadn’t had the reply. So frustrating. I don’t really need this stressing 10 days before my op!
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Hi, I’m going in on 30th Jan and I just had to give my nhs number – they haven’t asked me for anything from the Dr. Am I missing something???! Xxx
Hey courtny ur welcome! I know it’s hard but pls try not to stress out and get overwhelmed it’s really frustrating I know I was panicking and just got so stressed out! I would keep contacting and male a note of who u spoke to and keep ur nurse /pc updated I did every three days or so.
Lorna u may want to double check everything is in order and they have recieved it back from the surgeon. Just give ur branch a call and email ur pc she can check ur file.
You don’t wana be chasing tht up last min cos they need it or surgery can’t go ahead and u will have to rebook which im pretty sure incurs a charge Fxx
Yeah, I know what you mean. I spoke to mya today and they said even they have spoken to them several times and it hasn’t been done. So frustrating. And if I get any sort of charge my GP can bloody pay for it.
Just frustrating when I was told last week they had received it and the doctor will be looking at it that afternoon and it’s not even been done! My GP are now closed for training so I’ll have to phone again tomorrow. Such agg. But thanks fran, trying not to stress too much x
Yeh hun honestly u have done all u can so rest up for now. Mya know ur GP are being quite slack so keep up ur correspondence and ask them what could happen etc if the GP is really late replying to put ur mind at rest fxxx
I had this exact same problem! After calling my GP and trying to speak to my doctor for a week straight they finally sent it through to mya. I actually bought the paper copy of my medical summary for £10 too just in case, apparently the nurses can accept this on the date of your surgery. I 100000% reccomend asking about a paper copy just so there’s no stresses on the day of your surgery.
Good luck hun, hope all goes well! X
Why do they need a medical summary? My surgeon didn’t and I had the option for my gp not to be contacted but I didn’t use mya?
Hey Liz! THanks for the heads up, I might do that too! I just spoke to my Gp and said it is now with my doctor who is in this afternoon so call back then if you need it asap. So fingers crossed! I’ve phoned mya to let them know too, so they’ve put that on my record.
And hey jules, oh I’m not sure. I thought all elective surgery had to let your GP know to get a medical summary to make sure you are fit for surgery as the company, mya for example, would only know what you tell them but they need to make sure you have no underlying medical problems and stuff because your Gp will generally know you better than them x
My op is in a week now I’m worried I didn’t even know they needed a letter from my GP .I just called MYA there and she said they tried to contact my GP on the 5th and there was no answer so she tried again today for me and said she will chase it up to get a letter sent to them and I asked what would happen if I didn’t have it for Wednesday and she said she was not sure so now I’m worried I don’t know whether to ring them to ? Xxx
Hey Chloe
Try not to worry. Best thing to do is phone your Gp and ask if they have received your medical summary request and just let them know your surgery is in a week so it needs to be done asap so you are fit for surgery.
I’ve contacted my Gp like 9 times haha they’re probably all bored of me but it doesn’t matter as long as it gets done!
Hope it goes well! X
I’ve rang my GP and they basically said there is nothing they can do till the doctor picks it up ! I’m going to ring back tomorrow I asked if I could pick it up and I’d drop it off at MYA clinic myself xxx
Just so you are aware, if the GP is an NHS GP, your request for information for info to be sent to a private provider won’t jump the queue over NHS work.
Hi Megan,
Yeah I knew that would be the case unfortunately, which regardless is still wrong because I’ve booked and paid for surgery. On the plus side it has finally been done! Ha. Just frustrating when your op is a week away and they’re not doing anything about it. But I can relax now ha x
I can imagine! Sometimes going to the surgery and being painfully sweet can work. If you can get the receptionist on your side, they can often win one of the doctors over! I’m glad you got it sorted. Good luck next week!
Great news hun glad its all been sorted in time all the best for ur op xxc
How do you know if GP letter has been sorted, my pc said they contact my GP. Was i suppose to ? My ops in 11 days! Xx
Hi Becky, yeah MYA do the contacting, i just chased it up to make sure they received it, which they hadn’t until the 3rd attempt. So i just got MYA to resend it a few times. And then MYA contacted me last week to say they hadn’t had a reply, so i then chased it up again. Some GP surgeries will just do it and theres no problems, but mine didn’t receive it at first and then took a while to send it back. Hope it works out hun x
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what is this medical summary? I dont think I have one ..I did sign something which I was given an option for that meant my surgeon can tell my doctor about my surgery, but not to get any summary. Im unsure what one is x
Hi Sabrina
Basically mya will contact your Gp and request a medical summary from there to make sure you are fit for surgery. Most elective surgery will ask for this. Hope that helps x
A medical summary is a summary with your details on name dob address nhs number and gp details, it will include any medication you currently take, any allergies or sensitivities and also any past medical history that is important such as operations or illnesses. Also if mya send the forms it would normally take a few days as it would be given to the doctor who would fill it in, then it needs to be put in your records and then sent back to mya. (I work in a gp surgery) i understand some surgeries are rubbish the surgery i am registered at is usless i have an online account which means i can see all letters in my records and any consultations or notes someone has put in. This is a big help for me as 3 times i have found incorrect infomation. Hope this helps
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