Op in 2 weeks 325cc and 350cc unders anyone else? Started by: Jen

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  • Jen 6

    I have my op in 2 weeks I am having 325cc and 350cc unders slightly nervous can anyone share their experiences please? X


    Hi – have had exactly the same as you on the 13th November and I can honestly say it’s been great and I’ve had minimal pain but it will depend a bit on how you generally cope pain wise.

    Post op – putting weight on your arms doesn’t work.. and will hurt but this will wear off – I found the best way for me was to do as much as I felt comfortable with as I’m not good sitting around!! You will have muscle relaxants and antibiotics to take as well as painkillers and I did find that being really religious about taking them on time stopped the majority of feeling uncomfortable. You may or may not have have strapping and this will annoy you after a few days you will be sooooo glad when it comes off!!!! The breast band isn’t too bad but after three weeks of the four I will be glad when it’s gone!!

    What else would you like to know?! Ask away! Three weeks after I am so happy with the results and they are well on their way to healing up perfectly 🙂


    Jen 6

    Hi hun thank you very much for writing back how do you find the size hun? Do you have any photos? Can’t believe my op is next week! It’s come round so fast!

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