Op in 2 weeks.. second thoughts? Opinions – Dr Traynor Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 2

    Its getting closer and closer to my surgery date and I can’t stop freaking out! The whole thing is on my mind all day and night, I even dream about it! I’ve read experiences on here of people in absolute agony, and cant move for days. I no its how your body reacts to it, but I can’t stop stressing over it. I’m never ill and never go to the doctors for anything at all so all I can think of that this is will be massive shock to my body and i’l be in the worse pain ever! Can anyone whos had unders with Dr Traynor tell me your experience please? 🙂 I feel like a crazy women! X

    Louisa 15

    Hi Laura

    I was the same I kept having dreams that I was gona die n I don’t go doctors either I don’t even take paracetamols when i have a headache.

    The surgery is the easiest part honestly don’t stress enjoy the experience. The after pain isn’t that bad either. You will be fine xx


    Hey hun i was exactly the same i was ill with stress the week leading up to my op i looked into cancelling on a few occasions. Now 2weeks po i am so happy with my restults i had 400cc unders with nr traynor. I think aslong as you keep up with meds, rest and have help for first week you will be fine. I’ll attach a befor and after pic feel free to ask me anything. Honestly you will love it ?

    Laura 2

    @louisanr Thanks Louise, I’m hoping its one of them things where I’m thinking the worse and when its all done i’l be like ‘is that it!’ and all the worry is for nothing! X

    @mrssheppard2be I’ve seen your last post, I’m having the same as you! Do you think it’ll ever cross your mind that you’ve gone to big or to small? I’ve said it once but again they do look really good 🙂 I never expected me to be this nervous over it. X

    Laura 2

    @louisanr Sorry… Louisa!

    Louisa 15

    Haha its ok Louise louisa either is fine ? but yh I remember me and @mrssheppard2be was both scared and after seeing her post it really put me at ease. I think it’s 1 of them things that not matter what ppl say u will stress but just try and remember it’s only minor surrey it’s not like you will have to have any bones broken it’s just simply a case of them putting a implant in u x

    Laura 2

    @louisanr Yeah your right! Never thought I’d get myself so stressed over it. The thought of relying on people for the first week drives me mad. 2 days after my op its year eve, was hoping to manage a meal but I’l have to see if im up to it. Be horrible if im crying in pain stuck in the house haha! X

    Louisa 15

    Ul b fine honestly and you’ll probably realise your stronger than you thought. I doubt on day 2 you would wana go out tbf as ul be feeling quite tight and u may not wana eat 2 much and you will wana sleep alot, but what a way 2 start the new year with new boobies ?x


    I think its more the thought of the unkown whats scary. I kind of have moments where i think they arent that big and would have gone bigger if i was offered bigger but i know that they havent dropped or anything yet. They arent really obvious in clothing but i love how they look in bikinis ? such an improvement from what i had. Good luck honestly you will look back and think what did i worry about ?

    Laura 2

    @mrssheppard2be Really? I always think that 400cc are going to be to big for me. But I don’t want to regret going to small and wishing I got bigger. Going from hardly anything they’re bound to feel huge at first! My friend got 350cc the biggest she was offered, but she is petite and a size 6 or smaller. So I think if I get the biggest offered they’ll look right on me! X

    Stacey 4

    I had unders with Mr Traynor on weds. The only pain I have now is muscle pain, just feels like I’ve done too much in the gym lol. It’s bearable though. I was in pain when the morphine wore off in the hospital but they gave me painkillers and I was fine then. Mr Traynor is a genius and I am so happy with my new boobs, just can’t wait for them to drop now and go a bit softer. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done and don’t regret it for a second. Hope this helps xx

    Laura 2

    @stace83 thanks Stacey! That helps a lot! I’m so pleased your happy with your experience! I’m preparing myself for the worse pain wise but hoping to feel okay like a lot of people. Happy healing!! Xx

    Stacey 4

    Thanks Hun. Glad you feel a bit better, I have added you hope you don’t mind. When is your surgery date? Xx

    Laura 2

    @stace83 no I don’t mind 🙂 it’s the 29th… Not long now! X

    Stacey 4

    Aww bet your well excited ? it will fly between now and then x

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