Op in 3 days. Don't feel informed :( Started by: Sinead-x

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  • Sinead-x 2

    Op in 3 days! Mya not replying to my messages or answering my calls. Want to confirm the sizes that have been ordered and want to know info on my time slot!! Annoyed and nervous now 🙁

    Amy 265

    Don’t worry have you checked your junk inbox on your emails.
    They say you get your admission time 48hour before op. I was told Wednesday tea time and my admission time was 9 am on the Friday x

    Lisa@anne 13

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    Hi SINEAD-X added you Hun,hope you don’t mind.we have similar stats :).wow three days time 😮 you must be soo excited as well as nervous.Sorry to hear MYA aren’t getting back to you Hun,hope they do soon.I can understand why you’re feeling the way you are..happy healing for next week :)xx

    Sinead-x 2

    There was an email hiding in my junk thank you!!
    And no of course not Lisa. Thanks 🙂

    Christine 14

    Complain to someone your PC will soon get communicating

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