Op is booked for tomorrow, I'm so scared I think Iv made the wrong decision Started by: Louise williams

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    Hiya I’m new on here. My op is booked for tomorrow, I only wanted implants but Mr Marcellino said this wouldn’t be possible without an uplift. It’s the uplift that’s bothering me to the point where I’m crying thinking Iv made the wrong decision. I seen on here yesterday that there is a 1 in 5 chance of nipple loss with uplifts but when I spoke with my pc today she said that’s nonsense. I don’t know what to believe and I’m so scared ;( help. Xx


    I’m booked to have an uplift with implants in December – im sure it is totally normal to be scared I’m sure I will be freaking out. I don’t really have any advice to give you as I haven’t had my op yet. Just try to remember they are pros they do these ops day in day out and you are in safe hands. Xx

    Jessica 6

    Hi Louise, I am 12 days post op, and I was exactly the same. I’ve had an uplift and small implant due to very heavy saggy boobs. I had never had an operation before so was very nervous and it is 100% worth it. I am so happy with the result! Stick with it, be brave, ignore the nipple thing, I can feel one of mine already. What time is your admission? Are you going to London?x


    Hi Jess that’s reassuring. Yes going to London hun, on my way up now, I’m so nervous and feeling sick. So glad your happy with the result. I’m just really worried about the pain and scarring as Iv never had an operation this big before. Can’t wait until it’s all over with. X


    Hi Hayley thank you so much for the reassurance. Just on my way to London now. I will let you know how it goes. It’s so daunting and scary, feeling so sick. X


    Good luck Louise let me know how you get on xx

    Ann 6

    Good Luck today ! X


    I’m booked in fri 20 th for uplift n implant I’m nervous and excited x good luck what size cc r u having over or unders

    Jessica 6

    I went up the night before too, stayed at the holiday in just around the corner. I am the biggest wimp ever and have never had an op until this. I can honestly say the thing I was most worried about was going under general. I was in no pain at all when I woke up, they keep on with the pain killers regularly so you never get to the point where your in pain. I had to stay in overnight as I had uplift but it was fine, my admission time was 1pm but my surgery wasn’t until 5pm that was the worst bit waiting. Keep up with the pain killers when you get home and after week 1 when the strapping comes off you will be so happy. That is uncomfy as it’s so tight but it’s not awful pain you just don’t want to move much for a few days, get a v shape pillow prop yourself up in bed and just be kind to yourself. I was so scared and I have amazed myself how well I have done. All the best and just think this time tomorrow it will all be done and onwards and upwards with amazing boobs ????xx


    Hey Louise, I hope you’re op went well today. I too have never had a op before so I was very nervous but the whole experience was very relaxed, I hope it was the same for you xx

    Ann 6

    Good Luck tomorrow Kate! X

    Michaela 15

    Hope all went well. Exciting times ahead now. I was told approx 5% lose a little sensation but I’m sure they say that just to cover theirselves. Mine are back to their usual perky selfs and I’m 6 weeks today lol xxx

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