Op next Saturday and getting nervous Started by: Lisa

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  • Lisa

    Hi, having BA next Saturday at Highgate Hospital with Mr Mohan. Think I’m a little older than most of you on here – will be 46 a week after op! Having 320cc overs which should bring my 34b’s to a 34dd. Starting to get nervous now as I am a real woos when it comes to pain and am really really hating this no alcohol two weeks before and two weeks after lol. Am really wondering though if a couple of glasses of cava this weekend would really hurt!!!

    Nicole 1

    I’m older than most on here and a complete worrier! I’d say go for alcohol free cava and save the proper stuff for a celebration a few weeks later! The ga knocked me for six!

    Laura 13

    I would stay off the alcohol if I was you.

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