Op next week. Nervous!! Started by: Amber

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  • Amber 5

    Got my operation booked for next Wednesday. Can anyone give me advice on what to do, what to take with me, how to prepare! How long does the procedure last? How does it make you feel after? Recovery period? So nervous! I’m currently a 32b and chose 340cc. Xx

    Leah 19

    Your op is same day as mine but I’m at Fitzroy in London with ms lutz, I’m having 350cc from a 32AA ! I’m not nervous at all, I literally just started packing my few bits to try get organised, I’m just taking my macom, a spare just in case too, a zip up hoodie, my v pillow, plus all over night bits as I’m staying at a near by hotel, best of luck to you Hun xx

    Louise 42

    Ive had mine today. Admission time 11am. Nurse came to paperwork, anaesthetist and surgeon saw me quickly and i was taken through at 12.30 ish. I remember chatting to the nurse then next think i was woke up and back in room by 2pm. I took snacks but didnt need them, they gave me biscuits then a bit after brought me a sandwich. Itook my ipad but didnt get chance to use it same with magazines. I took my v pillow which was a godsend but didnt use anything else at all. I would advise slippers to walk through to theatre in. When i returned i ujust slept on and off for a few hours, was helped to toilet by health care assistant and was discharged at 5.15pm. My bp was a bit low for a while so they kept repeating it.

    Amber 5

    I’m not actually having my surgery through MYA, been told I’m not having any drains as my surgeon does it differently. I’m just so scared about the pain afterwards. I’m scared to even have the canula put in, I’m such a wuss! 🙁 also really worried in case I come out and not happy with my size xx

    sabrina 92

    I didnt have mine with mya either and had no drains.. I had lots of pain afterwards as got cramps (30%) get these.. ive never felt pain like it, then i had sickness for hours from the anthestic .. I just drank loads of water and the next day felt fine .. whatever happens you just have to think the next day yourl be ok. YOur be drousy so you will sleep.. and when u wake yourl take your meds. Just keep on top of them and get walking every few hours and back to bed.. I was back at work day 3.. ive been amazed how each day you feel so much better. Not everyone has a reaction to anesthetics if I hadnt id have been great when the cramps went. You will be happy with your result .. I had 350cc dual plane. It is true i think that everyone gets boob greed and thinks I wish id gone bigger.. but you have chosen your size for a reason and you wil be happy, they will look great x Ive got a few pics on my profile if you want to look.. and when under they take longer to take shape and look bigger after.. my surgeon said il be a 36e .. x All your fears are perfectly normal ones to have before the op. To feel really well (obs not active as before) I was 5 days .. I had no problem using the loo straight away by myself or showering .. i did get my friend to wash my hair on day 4 but by day 5 did myself in the shower.
    my nurse said bring luxoade sport still drink with me and also to drink one before the op (check wen yr last drink is aloud) .. this drink made me feel much bettr on the way home. I took a travel pillow for my neck.. I was so cold so nice warm socks for feet and mayb even a hat ..
    I had all meds ready for wen i got home and kept a note each day of wen to take crossing off wen i did so i didnt over take. I also took arnica which was great i think as had no bruisin just slight .. pineapple is also good for healing and every morning I ate fresh pineapple. Wether these things work or not who knows but with going back to work so early i was willing to try anything..x good luck u will be fine x

    Louise 42

    I didnt have drains or strapping or breast band. Cannula was easy and painles. Nurse couldnt see a vein so she didnt attempt and asked anaesthetist to do rather than hurting me.

    I have to have blood thinning injections daily for a week as i have a genetic risk of dvt. I took a scarf and hat for o way home but i got so warm in the room i was greatful for the cold. I took pjs in case i was ept in but to be honest would have stayed in gown.

    I went in my gym leggings and a zip up top and trainers.

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