Op on Friday! Getting scared now! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Have my op on Friday and I have to say the nerves are really kicking in! So worried of the pain ill feel when I first wake up! I’m having 360cc moderate implants that are partial under the muscle! I’m currently a large b /c. Hoping for a dd worrying that I should have gone for full profile instead? Anything in particular to take for a day case or words to help with my nerves? Lol. I’m so excited but sooooo scared! Xx


    Hi Rachel, I bet u r excited too. I am feeling all the same things as u + more. My op is 2 weeks today. My biggest fear is being put to sleep. I am sure excitement will take over on the day + u will be happy with your new boobies x x


    Hey Girls, I had my BA done yesterday and before mine I felt exactly the same as both of you and everyone kept saying don’t worry you’ll be fine but you can never listen, I was quite scared and the day before I just felt so sick! I am a bit of a wimp anyway with everything, my mum thought I would pull out and not go through with it lol but yesterday was weird I didn’t get that scared sick feeling at all and I was really calm and relaxed proper strange! I thought I would get in a state when I walked down to theatre but I was fine and they take you into a room lie you on the bed and put the anaesthetic in and then u don’t know anything after that lol. For day case you can take dressing gown and slippers to walk down in and I just took essentials iPad, phone charger, coke for when I came round lol xx


    Hey girls, thanks for your replies. It really helps listening to others stories and how they got on. I’m really excited which helps a little, I just any it over and done with so I can stop worrying!! Xx

    Hannah 1

    Honestly huni it is no where near as bad as you imagine it to be. When you wake up you’ll still be drugged up lol and the nurses will look after you with painkillers. Just relax and enjoy your day! Good Luck 🙂 x x x

    leigh taylor -4

    Don’t worry, be happy!! I’ve had 3 BA’ s it really isn’t half as bad as you think so don’t stress and worry. You won’t feel any pain after just a bit tight around your chest and you will be well looked after. Enjoy the experience, I didn’t want to go home lol!! X ps I took a few munchies in (sweets and choc) and some lucozade…x

    Mel -4

    @leigh does it hurt less having a BA after you’ve already had one done before?? Do they open up the same incisions?x

    Charlie 4

    Lizzy I am the same as you, I am 3 weeks away and I cant sleep because of the whole general anesthetic thing! I am terrified!!! do they use a mask? xxxxx


    Charlie no they didn’t with me they put it in through cannula in my arm. You really don’t know anything tho, I am such a wimp and I was fine when they put it in have me a rush feeling but within seconds your asleep! Xx


    Thanks so much girls! It really helps the nerves hearing others experiences! I’m very excited too 😀 xxx

    Misfion 3

    Good luck tomorrow sweetie xxx


    Thank you 🙂 xx

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