Op on the 17th of Dec .. Can u change size a bit on the day? Started by: Tay

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  • Tay 1

    Hey girls,
    I’m booked in for my op this Thursday 17th Decemeber and abit worried if I’ve gone to small. I’m currently a 34a and having 375cc in one and 400cc in the other (odd boobies lol ) I would like a Dd and having seen everyone pictures I think I should have asked for abit bigger …. Does any1 know if you can go up size on the day ? Xxx

    Beccs 1

    hi im thinking the same, im on 18th and getting 350cc but wanting 375cc now ive heard people have changed on the day but I spoke to my pc today and she said no because they’ve got to be ordered so would need another consultation etc !! its a big decision tho ..?


    Hi @beccs, @tayt2015…I had the same question, I agreed to have 350CC UHPs but decided a couple days before whether I should go a bit bigger with either 375-400. Spoke to the nurse when she rang to give me admission time and asked whether I could changed and she said it’s highly unlikely as they wont have ordered the other sizes implants. Decided to ask surgeon on the day (I had my op yesterday) and he said they could go bigger but as they haven’t got the implants they would have to cancel and reschedule my op so I decided against it after he reassured me they would look nice and big enough 🙂 where are you girls having your op and whose your surgeon? Xx

    Laura 2

    I got told all the sizes I was offered would be all ordered for the day. It might be different for everyone though x

    Jodie 43

    Apparently you can’t change your mind on size unless they’ve ordered them in for you, I assumed they’d just have a big room full of them haha but my PC offered to order me the next two sizes up. It’s worth just asking though in case they ordered a size in for someone and they didn’t go for it? xx

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