Op on Tuesday!! Advice please!! Started by: Heidi G

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  • Heidi G 1

    Ahhhh I’m so nervous but excited too!! I’m scared I’m going to wake up mahusive boobs :/ anyone who’s had around 375cc from 32a pwease add me 🙂 is there anything I need to take with me?? Anything I shouldn’t be doing before my tues? also can anyone recommend any hotels near highgate!? Any advice would be helpful lol, massive panicker here!! xxxx

    Cascada 1

    You’ll be fine honest! It’s not too scary at all when your there, all the staff seem really nice, I kept waiting for the nervs to kick in, but they didnt (and I’m a massive wuss!) I had 375 partials from 32a, think there the right size for my frame definitely! Just remember it will all be worth it for the boobies!! 🙂
    I just took dressing gown and easy to put on clothes, there’s a tv in the rooms, but take stuff to occupy yourself incase you have a wait.
    Good luck for Tuesday!!! 🙂 xx

    Misfion 3

    I had 365 from a c/d and I’m not mahooosive ha ha. Take anything that will make you feel comfortable, I took my ipad and chargers and listened to music/read books as I had a bit of a wait, face wipes, toothbrush (anaesthetic leaves a funny taste), lucozade and a chocolate bar, comfy pjs and slippers. The staff at Highgate are really lovely so don’t worry 🙂 Try to relax and enjoy 🙂 xxx

    myamoderator 138

    Good Luck for today Heidi!
    Wishing you all the best.
    Love MYA Mod x

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