op on tuesday mr traynor, help. Started by: StaceyStubbings

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    Right I have my nose and belly pierced, do we have to take them out or can they just tape them up? My nose is fairly new and only ever changed it once so it would heal up fast 🙁 also what do I need pack, ive got 3 different size sports bras, clothes for after, throat sweets.. what else should I take? How soon after the general anaesthetic did u come round?? Admission is 2pm but im a day case so not staying over night.. 🙂 xxxx

    Alex 119

    I’ve been told I can replace all metal piercings with plastic ones for the surgery. So might be worth doing that just to be on the safe side. Good luck for your op! Xo


    Okay il have to see if I can get some then 🙂 whens ur op? Thankyou im so nervous and excited 🙂 xx

    Alex 119

    Yeah the last thing you want is for them to close up 🙂 I’m in on 14th Feb so aaaages to wait yet 🙁 yeah I’m the same…mixed emotions! Hope everything is stress free and pain free for you! Do you mind if I add you? Xo

    Nicola 12

    I had Mr traynor daycase. I took all my piercings out I would say also take a dressing gown and some slippers with you for walking down to surgery and sitting in your room in the lovely gown they give you has an open back. Good luck! X

    Lisa 2

    i am going in on tuesday for mine, i am more worried about getting there on time, admission is 11am but i am staying overnight, i have 2 1/2 hours to get to preston from newcastle and be able to drop the car hire off.


    Yeah alex course u can add me 🙂 okay nicola I will take them too thanks 🙂 how soon do we have our op from when we get there? And lisa at last ive found some one on the same day as me yay 😀 see im in at 2pm and wanted an earlier admission but im guess im probably one on the last on the list but I dont understand that because im a day case so surely I should be ealier than you if your a night case? Owell haaha good luck with the op hun 🙂 xxx

    kelly3322 21

    I kept 6 ear piercings in just coz it’s too hard to get them out intact I can’t get them out. So they just taped then today. Good luck. Xxx

    Alex 119

    Thanks flower 🙂 good luck for Tuesday! Hope everything goes well and you love them. Xo

    Nicola 12

    Think it all depends on how other people before you get on in surgery. I was really lucky my admission time was 12pm and I was going down for surgery at 12:40pm. The person before me did get cancelled not to sure why. Make sure you take all you nails of and piercings out the nurse checked me a few times to double check. The nurses at Preston are fab too. I wasn’t even scared was all over before I knew it. I’d take a lucozade with you to get your blood sugars up after my mouth was like a dry wetabix and I was grey. I would say make sure you eat something before your 6 hours helps to stop feeling sick I got up at 5:30am to have breakfast defiantly glad I did was leaving at 4:30pm good luck x

    Nicola 12

    @lisa I’d try and set of a bit earlier if you can the traffic can be horrendous at that time x

    Beth 9

    Hi Hun, if you have a look at the boogie bible on here it lists everything you need to take, such as snacks and an energy drink for when you come round after op, anti bacterial wipes as you won’t be able to shower for a while, front buttoned pyjamas, magazines/tablet/phone etc… As for piercings you will have to take them out unfortunately but you can replace the metal jewellery with plastic jewellery if you wish. Everyone comes around from anaesthetic at a different pace but I’m sure the PO girls on here will tell you about their experience so you can get a rough idea! You must be so excited x


    Thankyou il have a look for it now 🙂 im more nervous than excited at the minute haha mixture of feelings xxx

    Lisa 2

    @stacey how are you feeling, I’m sitting here feeling very swollen but Mr traynor has just been in and seems ok
    @nicola I was able to get here by 11.15 and they were fine with that.

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