Op on Tuesday! :)) tips?? Started by: Lottie

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  • Lottie 2

    So anyone else got their op on 13th?:) I can’t believe it 6 days to go! Before you know it weekend will be here ! Booked my hotel brought a shock absorber bra but not sure as it has no zip at front … Any suggestions for a good sports bra with a front zip?? This cost me £30 I hope I can use it at some point lol … Also I’m having 605 overs … I’m 32 b at the moment ,the lady in the shop said to get 32 e but I’m pretty sure whilst there’s swelling you back size goes up?:-s and do u reckon e will be an ok size for the swelling? Also any weird little tips for pre / post op? Like when I had my son I always remembered the more helpful little tips lol 🙂 I can’t wait ! Oh and I practised sleeping upright with v pillow I don’t even know how it’s meant to work! Lol i could stay up i need a rocking chair ! ditzy!! Xx

    aimee88 1

    Hey hun, I was told to go a back size and a cup size up from what you expected to be… M&S have a sports bra that zips up at the front, think it was £22.50 which are quite good! I brought a shock absorber one which ended up being too big!! lol. So took it back, heard they are very good tho!

    Just remember to take stuff to keep you entertained before the op, I had a magazine and my phone (took phone charger) and take a pillow for the car ride home if you have one as the seat belt will be accross your boobs… Comfy clothes, something that zips up or buttons up at the front, slippers, take your sports bras, I was bandaged right up so didnt need one on at first but not every one is the same! And if someone can help you for the first couple of days you may need it! I found it hard to do most things like opening doors, flushing toilet etc…. Prepare some food if someone isnt at home to do it….

    I found that drinking alot of water after helped, most of all rest up and enjoy! The day will be over before you know it and you will be in the boobie club!! Good luck xx

    Lottie 2

    Also … I’m size 6 on top how many top sizes will I go up? I nearly got a size 6 coat yesterday but then remembered 😮 if its too much il have to buy a whole new wardrobe !

    Lottie 2

    Ah thanks I wasn’t sure weather to take my phone or iPad hmm il proberly lose weight after when I’m in pain I can’t eat :/ but oh we’ll more room for Xmas food! Hha 🙂 I’m gonna head to m an s Saturday that was its more exciting its gettin nearer :)! See Marion didn’t say an expected size really she just said trust me … I do but I don’t know everyone different the smaller your frame bigger they will look right ?:-) … By maths I should be about an f I think hmmm :-S I have one e bra so maybe il get an f as well haha doubtful I’d stay that size sadly lol it’s gonna be hard mum is having to look after my little boy for a week at Least :O don’t care the amount of pain I’m in as long as I’m in the boobie club!:) xxx


    Lottie Defo get bigger than 32E… With my 1st op I was 30c/32b and had 380 I bought 34DD and had to go swap it for 34E this time I’ve had 460cc and 34F is tight and am normally only a 30. Though u will look an E. Measure wise ul b bigger. The m&s zip up bras r comfy and go upto a g cup I think xx

    Lottie 2

    Ah I hope I look big 🙂 but now not sure what to buy I doubt il be bigger than f for swelling and il be bringing two bras one must fit … Gonna go get m and a bra 😀 and drinking water will flush out water right?:) don’t want loads of water retention I also hold it badly on my face ! Iv been trying to eat healthy(ish!) for the week but was hard as birthday was Monday lol but currently sitting drinking an ice green tea from Starbucks 🙂 trying to switch to being veggie as well not going well!! Lol I usually do as lower fat but it’s just boring all he the time :/ I’m dreading not being able to see my little boy much ! Also can’t wait to till I can get horse riding again 🙂
    It just makes me think I must have awful boobs I was 19 when I went to see Marion lol had a baby but this is prime of our bodies lol she just said you will need big you have lots of breast tissue etc … I was like 😀 but oh god haha


    I’d get 34f if its that zip up from m&s honest ul b suprised. I know the feeling I’ve had 2 kids I had just empty tissue n skin lol xxx

    Lottie 2

    I’m trust u guys over anything I was told 🙂 in a way I suppose extra skin might be bonus .. Havnt found out yet lol coz u can deffo have overs and bigger implants :).. I may actually feel normal! Wish someone lied in Brighton then we could meet up after and talk boob progress lol proberly be on this forum for life : P xx


    I know its amazing Haha. Well Mr k told me 1st time to get 34D that didn’t even go round them neither did the DD Haha. I had unders even though i had enough for overs.. then I ended up with double bubble which I believe was from having unders an having stil excess skin n tissue hanging from implant. After this reop it looked as if it had gone.. but over last week its becoming visible again.. 🙁 xxx

    Lottie 2

    Oh no 🙁 have u had a nurse opinion? U may just be worrying and looking for a problem more … Under are more complicated arnt they? But how many weeks po are you?:) gonna add u and look at pics if that’s ok Hun? At least it’s winter we don’t have to flaunt them yet haha :)) xx oh god I might get a f and g I never considered how much I’d swell ! I’m worries about how to sleep upright I Tryed last night I just woke up on my tummy worst position :-O


    Yea thats fine.. no I knew I would as it was same with the 380s 80cc diff wernt gonna change it to be honest I just hoped it would. There’s loads of piks they start getting ugly around page 5 lol. My new ones start on page 6 though xxx

    Lottie 2

    Becki hust had a look I think they’re deffo better bet ur happy now 🙂 even like a week in they have changed ! 80cc is basically a cup size and u had over this time didn’t ya? Deffo see a difference can’t believe u had two kids! I ha one and my boobs like point down basically that saggy :l I just hope mine end up as nice as ur look 🙂


    No hun still had unders again lol. Thank u hun.. yours will look beaut I want over 600cc lol 🙁 xxx

    Lottie 2

    Il get boob envy soon no doubt! I texts my pc to check my old PC actually ordered my sizes instead of a convenient mistake ! And yeah got my sizes ordered so going for 605:) hope they give me the outcome I want:) unders heal slower dont they? I can’t believe how much it’s changed !:-O look like overs they so perky now ! How long could u not really move for ? I can’t stay in bed forever as much as I want :L lol … Hopefully maximum 2 weeks then I presume I can do some lifting and stuff hmmm so gla it’s winter though I have no fake tan on havnt for two weeks now saw no point tbh I actually am like see through I’m so white haha all worth it il be going with no makeup no tan no lashes just skanky and natural … I’m not sure if I should have a wax first I’m really sensitive skin I always rash up :/ but I don’t want to be hairy after do u think it will be hard to shave?:/


    Thanks chick 🙂 hmm its not been too bad both times..morning after ops both times I’ve been walking into town been hoovering as normal few days after.. 1st time my bf had to back to work day 3 so had to look after these 2 on my own.. its not been too bad. It shouldn’t be too bad I could wash hair and stuff 3 days after so shaving won’t bad..I waited a week though xxx

    Lottie 2

    Ah ok good to hear I’m not someone to self pity or anything I like to get on with it 🙂 il just shave before and then it won’t be too bad I spose if I say over the bath with a shower head if worst comes to worst z:L if mya or hosp don’t contact u day before who do u call for admission time?? :-s xx


    Just ring your clinic chic they should sort it. Yea I shaved nite before I went in so I lasted that week lol. It’s more achey than pain so it int too bad. Although my 2nd day this time at night was horrible lol xxx

    Nicole -18

    Hi beckie90 I hope you don’t mind me adding you. My op is on the 27th and I’m not sure what size I want yet. Ive had two kids and my boobs sound like you say yours were so hoping your pics will help me decide x


    Accepted nicole I’ve had 2 ba so the 1st 6 pages r my old 1s my new ones start mid of page 6 xx

    Lottie 2

    Aww I love all the support on here thanks girls :)) good luck everyone !xx

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