op over and done with =) Started by: Grace

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  • Grace 2

    Had my op today and was so so so worried and nervous before but now I realise I actually had nothing to worry about. Had to wait about 3 hours to go up to theatre then had anaesthetic which didn’t hurt much at all just like a sharp scratch then the next thing I was waking up in the recovery room having a chat with the nurses. Everyone has been so lovely here and made me feel so at ease. I’m not going to pretend that getting the drains removed didn’t hurt as it did but it was over in second! If any of your girlie’s have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me =).


    Summa2011 10

    Hey Hun congratulations. What size did you have and did you have overs or unders? I’m booked with dr macellino on the 18th August at the Fitzroy I’m having 375 mod overs. I’m excited obviously for the end result. But I’m extremely nervous about being put out! I don’t know why I think it’s because I’ve never had an op before so it’s the unknown to me ??. Anyway so happy it went so well for you xx

    Grace 2

    thank you so much =) i had 250cc partial i think maybe this is why i am not in so much pain because my skin and muscles haven’t had to stretch too much. But honestly try not to be too nervous. I felt horrible waiting to be taken up to theatre because i just couldn’t stop thinking about what i was going to do and i know probably everyone will tell you not to worry but honestly I’ve never had an op before and now that i have had one i wouldn’t be scared next time. They put a cannula in your hand when you get to theatre so then when they inject you, you don’t even feel like you’re having an injection. then when i came around the pain was so bearable nothing like i thought it was going to be. do you know if you are having the drains put in? my surgeon does use the drains but not all surgeons do. honestly any other questions just ask. If i can ease your nerves at all id love to!!

    Summa2011 10

    Aww that’s really sweet of you thank you for that. I have no fear of needles at all it’s just the thought of being put under. But I’m sure the nurses will put me at ease. Actually you have a lot too. So thank you. ☺️. I honestly don’t know I haven’t asked. I’ve been a bit worried about having all the strapping on but from what I’ve been reading I could be totally wrong, that I won’t need strapping as I’m having over the muscle.
    I’m happy your not in that much pain. Sounds like you’ve had a great experience. I wish I didn’t have to wait another week I just want it over with now! I remember feeling like this when I was waiting to go in to labour lol! I just wanted it over wiyh?. Although I had a drug free labour and drive myself home on the same day I had my daughter so I’m hoping this is gonna be a breeze for me. I hope! Thank you again for your help. I’m going send you a friend request if that’s ok xxx

    Grace 2

    Wow pretty sure you’ll find this a walk in the park then!! hahaa. I woke up with the bandages on already and it actually feels quite nice to have it on i feel so secure and feel like they are holding everything in place quite nicely. the nurses are all so lovely and will put you at ease. I think after they had given me the anaesthetic i feel like i was gone within about 3 seconds and then woke up in recovery feeling quite odd as if felt like i had someone had just pressed fast forward and i was there all of a sudden! hah its a strange feeling hard to explain. of course ill accept as soon as poss and hopefully add a few pics soon.

    Summa2011 10

    Cool thank you so so much. Have really put my mind at ease! That’s great I bet they look great! X

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