Op today! 325cc HP dual plane Started by: Yasmin Ridding

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    Looking through the forum and seeing people’s before and afters really helped me to get my head around what I wanted and feel more confident I was doing the right thing! This after photo was taken about an hour after I woke up so probably quite swollen.

    I had 325cc HP dual plane, I was a 32a before – weighed about 8st 6lb and height 5’ 5”.

    My admission time was 7:30am and I arrived about 15 minutes late because of the train times but the staff were so lovely from the start. Thankfully I was first in the queue so I was in theatre and put under by 8:30am and was awake in recovery by 10:30am! Nurses were all brilliant and made me feel so comfortable, chatted away with me in recovery until I was okay to come back to my room. Always happy to get drinks for me and help me to the bathroom.

    The feeling is strange after, wouldn’t use the word painful yet? It’s more like a really heavy feeling above my boobs and my ribs ache a bit as if I’ve done too much at the gym. Feels uncomfortable if I breathe out too much. I’ve asked for painkillers once at about 2pm because I was so tired just wanted to drop off, but I think if I was able to stay awake I wouldn’t have needed them.

    Just waiting for the surgeon to come and see me now and then I can leave.

    Hope that this helps someone in the same way I was helped!! So happy with my decision to do this

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    Lo 16

    They look great! Thanks for sharing your experience…I’m so nervous I have mine on the 4th September having dual plane aswell worried about it being too painful but feeling more positive reading your experience, hope you recovery goes smooth xx


    Thank you I hope so too! Honestly I think you’ll be fine, I’ve never thought of myself as having a high pain threshold and I expected a lot worse than this, I’ve just woken up to take some painkillers but mainly to take the edge off – think I’ve gone stiff from sleeping sat up, I usually sleep really flat. Would definitely recommend the V pillow if you haven’t got one yet 🙂 I’ll try to do some updates as I go along! Xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Yasmin Ridding 3. Reason: Changed emojis to ‘????’
    Lo 16

    Thank you! I hope so! I’ve heard a lot of people on here saying it feeling more like your just over done it in the gym! Yes I’ve got my V pillow already, yes that would be great xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Lo 16.

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