Op tomorrow Started by: Mae

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  • Mae 79

    Hi ladies.

    So it’s my turn tomorrow. My admission time is 2pm with dr kazazzi at his clinic.
    Just looking for any last minute tips and advice for pre surgery and post.
    I’ve got ny ice packs in the freezer
    2 v shape pillows
    Made some food for when I’m home that will last a couple lunch times
    Will get everything I need out in reachable places in the morning.

    What did people take with them for surgery?!

    Getting nervous now, just wish I could fast forward a few days!! Ahhhhh
    Thanks xx

    Hannah 214

    I just took some comfy clothes, clean underwear, deodorant for afterwards, wet wipes, bra for after, phone charger as it can be a long wait sometimes, took my v pillow with me for the journey home, hair brush and a hairband with no metal.

    I also set my pillows up on my bed in the morning before leaving and changed bed sheets so everything was just ready for me to get into and sleep ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Best of luck for tomorrow xx

    Mae 79

    Thank you @Hannah going to pack my bag in a mo! Just having a nice deep bubble bath, making the most of it!!
    Need to try and find a suitable top for after surgery!
    It’s come around so quick! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ thank you xx

    Hannah 214

    Enjoy the day Hun! It goes by so quickly :). Ah yes love a bubble bath, I can’t wait to have one again lol.

    I wore a really stretchy vest top but button up tops are great to xx

    Laura 143

    Good luck for tomorrow Mae, you will be fine try not to worry too much. Let us know how you get on xx

    Mae 79

    Thank you @laura can’t wait!!
    Hope you are recovering well xx

    Amber 22

    Good luck Hun xx

    Mitch 39

    Hey hunni I’m having mine done tomorrow 12:30 with Mr kazzazi in Doncaster I wanted to write a post but have no idea how to start a topic I’ve tried loads….. I’m feeling excited bit a little nervous xxx

    Mae 79

    Thanks @amber ๐Ÿ™‚

    You must be before me then @mitch !! What are you having? I’m having 375cc hp unders!
    Yes I am the same! Just isn’t sinking in that this time tomos I’ll have boobs after all these years waiting!! Ahhhhh xx

    Mitch 39

    I feel the exact same @mae it doesn’t feel real…….I’m having 325 in right and 350 in left due to different size breast I’m a 34 a and aa at mo I think lol xx

    Mae 79

    @mitch I have assymetry as well and pushed for different size implants but he insisted I didn’t need different ones :/ this is something that is worrying me, that the size difference will be even more noticeable when bigger ๐Ÿ™ one of the many things :s ahhh

    Mitch 39

    I’ve just got my partner to take some before pics and it made me feel really crappy about myself there so little and ugly but it will be the last time I feel like this after my op tomorrow it can’t come quick enough….I never realised how bad they was and how different in size they was before I went for my first consultation because I never looked at them in the mirror just in bras lol its going to be life changing ????xx Mr kazzazi seems to know what he’s on about hunni so I’m sure he will give you your perfect boobs he’s a perfectionists to I’ve been told so that’s good xxx

    Mae 79

    @mitch I took pics and felt the same!!! I knew mine were different and that’s partly why I wanted surgery! It’s different nipple size as well that bothers me! But again he advised nothing needs to be done as it’s not a big enough difference -_-
    Yeh I know you should trust your surgeon lol just so anxious about it ahhhhhh don’t know how I’m gunna sleep tonight xx

    Mitch 39

    Don’t think I’ll sleep much ether I started thinking to much into it earlier today for a second I wondered if I was doing the right thing and so on…but I know Im so unhappy with what I’ve got that it’s definitely the right decision…anyways we might see each other tomorrow ????but that will be the last thing on both our minds haha….I will try and upload my pics tomorrow if I get the courage after my op when I no longer have them lol xx

    Mae 79

    I know! I’ve Thought the same!! Looked down and thought are they really that bad?! Is it worth it etc etc. But well for me, it’s been ten plus years I’ve wanted this. And if I don’t do it now I may not get a chance to again!
    Yes maybe! Well good luck! Hope yours goes well, then mine won’t get held up ๐Ÿ˜‰
    This time tomos we will both have our boobies ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Hannah 214

    @mitchx Hun if you want to start a topic, go back to the main page where you see all the topics, scroll to the bottom of the page, and there’s a form to fill in :).

    Good luck for tomorrow xx

    Mitch 39

    Made me laugh that mae ???? it will go smoothly for us both good look to you to hunni nite xx
    Awww thanks hannah I will try again tomorrow to do 1 thank you xxx

    Rhian 19

    Good luck tomorrow you two ๐Ÿ™‚ hope all goes well xx @mae14 @mitchx

    Mitch 39

    Thank you rhian ????xx

    Mae 79

    Thank you @rhian currently trying to scoff my face before I’m not allowed to eat lol xx

    Mitch 39

    Don’t know why it put question marks Rhian I put a smiley face xx awww mae I’m soooo hungry I set my alarm for half 5 so I could have something to eat before half 6 but I just wasn’t hungry at that time….now my belly screaming out for any kind of found its not helping I’ve put a stew in the slow cooker for tea xx

    Mitch 39


    Mae 79

    @mitch I normally wake up starving but not today! Forced myself some breakfast tho! Will still be hungry in few hours tho lol xx

    Laura 143

    My recovery is going great an you 2 will be fine honestly. I was 12.30 mitch but wasnt until about 2.45 when i went down but honestly i was fine an calm sat waiting. You are both in food hands an mr kazzazi is amazing at what he does so try enjoy the day xx

    H 23

    Good luck @mitchxยท and @mae14 ยท it will all be done and dusted soon!- new bobbies!!! x
    Let us know how you got on xx

    Mitch 39

    Awww thanks laura and h I’m just sat waiting for the anesthetic to come and see me I am sat in my sexy stocking ‘s and gown watching emmerdale I am a bit nervous now but I’ll be fine…. thanks tho ladies it’s nice to be reassured by you xxx good luck mae hunni xxx

    Laura 143

    Honestly theres nothing to be nervous about. Look forward to seeing you post later ๐Ÿ™‚ xxx

    Mae 79

    Good luck @mitch !! I’m on my way now xx

    Mitch 39

    All done ladies….went down at 1:45 the medical team are amazing I came round at 3:45 just had some toast and a coffee now waiting to be checked so I can go Mc Donalds and home…feeling a bit tight on the chest but nothing major xx

    Laura 143

    Glad all went well for you ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Mitch 39

    Thanks laura just waiting to hear how mae has got on I think she’s in the room opposite me xx

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