Op yesterday…feeling pretty good :) Started by: Charlotte B

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    Admission time 10am and didn’t go down to theatre until 12:45 but the morning just flew by! The nurses were great and I wasn’t nervous at all which was very surprising as I’m normally such a wimp!! Lol the anaesthetist was absolutely lovely and so was the other man in there talking to me about cars which kept my mind off things, I love my cars lol was out for the count within five secs. Never been put under before but would do it again in a flash! Absolutely nothing to worry about girls I promise! When I woke up I had no pain and still haven’t as of yet just a bit achy. Had an anti sickness injection then had my coffee and toast and was out of there before you know it with new boobs! Very happy so far, can’t wait for the strapping to come of Friday! 🙂


    Pics are up 🙂 really happy so far! Xx


    Hey Charlotte, if u don’t mind me asking where did you go for your op and who was your surgeon.
    I’m booked for my BA on fri, with mr Kazzazi in Doncaster.. Very nervous


    I had mine at Doncaster with mr kazzazi! Honestly no need to be nervous babe. Mr kazzazi is great and all the nurses really look after u. I’ve uploaded some pics if u wanna add me and look. Feel free to ask any questions but please please don’t be nervous! There’s absolutely nothing to worry about 🙂 xx


    Hi Charlotte. Would you mind adding me please. Ive just booked mine so excited to hear from those who have had theirs! Ta xx


    Just accepted huni 🙂 xx


    Can I add please Hun I have my op on Monday ! Getting nervous now xx


    Yeh no worries ill accept now babe. No need to be nervous the op isn’t scary one bit, just starting to feel the soreness kicking in now 🙁 xx


    Thanks chick they look great !! Bet u can’t wait to get your bandages off x


    Just can’t wait for these first few days to be over already as I’m so uncomfortable and sore now 🙁 x

    Jane P 1

    Can I please add you? I have my op in 10 days and getting very nervous xx


    Hey Charlotte. How u feeling today? Hope ur healing well.. Xx


    Yeh course Jane. I’m feeling a bit better today thanks! Managed to have a shallow bath and not as stiff so hopefully getting better now. The only pain I’ve had is from being so bloated from the tablets as I have ibs and it gives me really bad abdominal pains xx


    Aww bless you, know how you feel, i had bowel cancer at the age of 16,
    so i get similar symptoms to IBS now, mainly when i eat crap food haha.. just not as bad..
    Well i hope your feeling better soon xxx

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