Open rhinoplasty 10/02/2020 NEW POST W/Pictures Started by: Louise

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  • Louise 90

    Hey! So I’m writing this as when I was looking for rhinoplasty experiences there wasn’t many recent posts to go off or ask people for advice.
    So I’m 21 years old, I had a large bulbous tip, a bump on my side profile and larger nostrils then what I would have wanted!😩I’ve wanted a rhinoplasty for years and years but decided to get my breast enlargement first in 2018 with MYA. So that’s why I decided to come back January 2020 to start my rhino journey, however I did visit transform for a consultation also.

    I had my initial consultation on the 16th January and had surgery 10th or March.
    I had the full works, open rhinoplasty with Dr Andrea Giannitrapani.

    Meeting my surgeon was a great experience, he was friendly, enthusiastic on what could be achieved but also realistic too. The consultation did go by pretty quickly and it is a lot of information to take it, however he did ask me if I had any questions and was more than ready to answer them.

    Soo! Surgery day, my admission was 7am, yay! I hate waiting around as I would have worked myself up and wondered for hours. I got to the hospital at 7am, was greeted by amazing staff who took me straight to my own room in the New victoria hospital.
    The rooms are amazing by the way, I had complete privacy and very spacious.
    I had all my usual tests taken, blood pressure, temperature, heart beat. I had a pregnancy test and nicotine test completed also.
    After this the anaesthesiologist came to visit me, talked through my medical history and explained how I would be feeling when being put to sleep, how I would feel when I woke back up etc.
    Then Dr G came to see me, he again took me through the whole process, what could be achieved and what he wanted to do. He took some pre op photos and said see you soon!
    I was already to go.
    Coming round from surgery I felt okay, tired and a bit confused but okay. Again I can not fault any member of the New Victoria hospital team, they really looked after me and all I needed/asked throughout my stay.

    Post op days, going home and that first night I felt fine. Waking up One day post op, now that was a whole different scenario, although I felt fine within myself my whole face/eyes had swollen, my face was bruised and I was in some discomfort.
    After day one, things became much easier and it sailed by.

    And then today! 7days post op. I got my cast off! And I couldn’t be happier, my tip is still quite swollen and I’m looking forward to it going down as then I will be in love with my results but from what I started with, my nose had done a while 360 and I couldn’t recommend my surgeon enough.

    I will post some photos of before and afters, however they still don’t show how much of an improvement has been made.

    Don’t worry about anything and just go for it! If it’s what you want, if it’s what will make you happy, do it now rather than later, I’m so glad I did!

    Sorry my old post wouldn’t allow me to add photos! Hence the new topic! ☺️

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    Louise 90

    Just wanted to give a quick update! New post is 4 1/2 weeks post op!❤️

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    Laura 3

    You look great Louise! Do you mind me asking how much it cost? Laura


    Louise! You look great!👍🏻

    Nikki louise -138

    Did it hurt I’ve always wanted mine done got my boobs done 3 weeks ago and I’ve seen yours they look amazing, but I’ve really always wanted my nose done but thought I’d go with boobs first how much did it cost if you don’t mind me asking I know its going to take me ages to save up so I just wanted to get the money saved before consultation tbh xx

    Megan 15

    Gorgeous results Louise!🙌🏼🥰

    Louise 90

    I’m now around 10 months post op, here is my progress and my new nose! I can not thank MYA and my surgeon enough for my new found confidence ❤️

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    Rebecca 3

    Hey Laura your nose looks so good! Can I ask how much you paid? It literally just started researching into nose jobs it’s so confusing where to go! Did you experience any problems at all? X

    Louise 90

    @reb1991 Thank you! Appearance wise I have no problems at all, I find my nose still gets blocked up from time to time but nasal spray helps and this clears instantly. I have a full open rhinoplasty with altar base, the full works, MYA are quiet expensive when it comes to rhinoplasty but honestly worth every penny to me, it’s done soo much for my confidence. A closed rhino is less expensive than an open so depended on your nose type and what you want/need done to make it a nose you want! 🙂 I’ll send a private message now x


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    Hi! Your nose looks amazing 😍 do you mind messaging me in regards to prices for the open rhinoplasty at all? I really want my nose done ready for my 21st the end of this year and I’ve been looking at so many places but the prices are sky high! If you could let me know please that would be much appreciated x


    Your nose look amazing!
    Would you mind messaging me about the price? I’m looking at getting rhinoplasty but wanting to get a rough idea on price, thanks x

    Louise 90

    Officially just over one year post op! Whole swelling and after care process is finished and I am still in love with my new nose. Trust the process, the up and down swelling periods, patience has been key.
    The confidence I have now I will forever be great full, so glad I just weren’t for it!💕

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Louise 90.
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