Open Septo Rhinoplasty with Dr Giannas Started by: Megan

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  • Megan 15

    I was originally booked in with Dr Andrea Giannitrapani for March 2020, this was cancelled by MYA and moved to August, and then cancelled again by MYA, due to COVID. MYA contacted me around September time to say Dr Andrea was still in Italy and his return date was unknown so I looked into other surgeon options.

    MYA suggested Dr Giannas so I was open to having a consultation. I did lots of research on Dr Giannas as I did with Dr Andrea and I was very disheartened to see the lack of social media presence Dr Giannas had compared to Dr Andrea. One of my main sources of research was to find pages on Instagram who are patients of the surgeon as well as before and afters. Dr Giannas isn’t on Instagram and the only before and afters are on his website and they are very limited. Even on MYA’s Instagram page every time there was a rhinoplasty post I’d look to see who the surgeon was and it was always Dr Andrea’s work. I contacted MYA and they sent me the contact details of 2 of Dr Giannas’ patients (with their permission) and I spoke to them but still, I didn’t feel was enough to comfort me.

    I went into the consultation with Dr Giannas sceptical. I am happy to say after spending a good 40+mins with him I was completely put at ease. He answered all of my questions and was happy to show me his portfolio of clients on his laptop, especially the ones that he felt where very similar to my nose. I felt he was a lot more thorough when it come to checking my nose, he felt around and looked inside, explaining to me it was so he could get a good idea of that he would be dealing with should I go through with the operation, something Dr Andrea did not do. This is by no means a knock to Dr Andrea as I know he is an amazing surgeon, I just felt my experience with Dr Giannas was more ‘bespoke’. He listened with intent as to what I had issues with and was looking to fix. I was so confident I booked my surgery that day!

    Op date was 21st October at First Trust Preston. I was initially down as a day case when I booked with Dr Andrea however Dr Giannas was very insistent that I stay overnight, something Dr Andrea was indifferent about. I told MYA I could not possibly afford the additional cost to stay overnight, especially considering I had paid early 10 months prior! I soon got a call back to say they would put me down as an overnight patient with no extra cost as they didn’t have any appointments with the nurses the following day to get my packing out. I thought this was a very kind gesture and looking back, hugely improved my experience as a whole.

    My admission time was around 8am and I was told I was going to be the second op of the day. The nursing staff at the First Trust Hospital where amazing throughout my whole experience. I went down about 10:30am and came back round about 1:30pm. Knowing that I could just get my pj’s on and stay put after my op was so much less stressful than the thought of having to go all the way home (only 1 hr but still) and then back again the next morning. I didn’t get a huge amount of sleep so when the nurse came to check on me about 4:30am she asked if I wanted my packing out to which I was like YES PLEASE because I’ve heard how much better it is relief wise once this is removed…(they lied! haha) Getting the packing out was probably the hardest part of the whole thing. I think because I was expecting it to be such an ‘instant relief’ that everyone says it is I wasn’t expecting it. First off….it burns for a good couple of hours after, secondly you still cant sodding breath anymore than you could with them in so where is the ‘relief’?! HAHA, this is by no means to put anyone off it’s more just as a bit of reality that I didn’t get and wish I has so I could of been more prepared. It was still one million percent worth it!!

    I had breakfast and everything and then waited for Dr Giannas to see me before I was aloud to be discharged this was about 8:30am, he was very happy with how the surgery went and explained there where no complications at all. I was then picked up about 9:30am. I was in no pain at all throughout it all (except for the packing removal haha), it was just slightly uncomfortable but nothing unexpected if you’ve done your research.

    The only slight thing I wish I’d of been prepared for is the internal stiches, these where visible on me up until about 6 weeks. I was under the impression they would dissolve/fall out at around 2 weeks. Thankfully I was working from home (thanks to Covid) so this didn’t effect me but originally I was only planning on taking 2 weeks off work thinking all the to the eye ‘tell-tail’ signs would be gone but nope, it looked like I had bogies which I would of been really conscious of.

    I am currently 7 weeks(ish) post op and I couldn’t tell you how happy I am. My swelling is so minimal now, you wouldn’t even know I’d had surgery. After 10 years of absolutely hating my nose it is finally everything I wanted and more – Dr Giannas is amazing and I couldn’t recommend enough šŸ™‚

    Feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions or want to see before & afters to help with your research. As I said I know how hard it is to find sources!


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    Shelbie 15

    I had the exact same experience! Booked twice then cancelled twice, op date was 23rd November with Mr Giannas at First Trust in Preston. I struggled to find a lot on him too, but Iā€™m so glad I went with him because the whole thing couldnā€™t have gone better!
    Your nose looks amazing!
    I am now 3 weeks post op now with a lot of swelling still, itā€™s up and down at the moment. I have added a before and after x

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    Megan 15

    Wow šŸ¤© everything literally does happen for a reason haha hopefully we can reassure anyone looking to go with Dr Giannas!

    Good luck recovering doll xx

    Mel 7

    Hi girls, thank you so much for sharing your experiences, would you mind sharing pics from front on and completely to the side please? I too was looking to go with Dr Andrea and didnā€™t know who else was an option but this has made me more confident about booking a consultation with Dr Gianna now. Thanks x

    Mel 7

    Also, did you both have open or closed?

    Shelbie 15

    Hi Mel, I had an open rhinoplasty. I have attached a picture of it front on for you, Iā€™m not even 6 weeks post op yet so there will still be some swelling but a massive improvement already! Xx

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    Mel 7

    Wow that looks amazing Shelbie! Thanks for uploading! Bet youā€™re so happy! I canā€™t wait to get mine booked in now x

    Nikki louise -138

    Hi where is he based your noses look exactly how I want mine im so jealous I just had breast augmentation but now I really want my nose done I couldn’t decide between the two but I’m going to have a consultation to see how much it will be so I can start saving again x

    Megan 15

    @Mel: thanks Mel! I had open with alar base reduction too – basically everything haha
    Iā€™ve uploaded front on pics too, this is PO11W. Deffo book a consultation with him, see how you feel but I fully recommend! X

    @ nikki: I believe heā€™s originally based in London but due to all the Covid stuff he agreed to do a few dates in Manchester (where I went). I believe theyā€™ve closed the Manchester offices now and are in Cheadle now. My op was in Preston First Trust Hospital. Definitely worth a consultation if itā€™s something youā€™ve been thinking about for a while now. Good luck – let me know if you have any questions! Xx

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Megan 15. Reason: Tagged wrong person
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    Abi 2

    Ahh girls your noses look amazing! I’m taking my first steps soon with a consultation. My nose is way bigger than yours were before though. I just don’t think I can take my lack of self esteem any longer. Do you mind sharing price ranges or is that not allowed on here? I’m aware it will be different for everybody depending on their needs but a rough guide will be super helpful while we are saving – I’d hate to go in there and not have anywhere near the amount needed. Thank you x

    Megan 15

    Thanks girlie! Aww just ask him at your consultation and Heā€™ll be honest with you. I showed him my ā€˜morphedā€™ pics of what I wanted and asked him if it was realistic and he was completely honest with me and said it would be slightly bigger but I actually think it suits my face more than the morphed one (middle pic)!

    I donā€™t think weā€™re able to give prices on here but ball park is 8k for mine x

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    Shelbie 15

    Hi abi, yes mine was the same cost as Megan as I also had an alar base reduction. I do believe a closed rhinoplasty is a bit cheaper but donā€™t take my word for it. X

    Hollie 9

    Girls your noses look incredible! Iā€™m booked in with Dr Giannis in 3 weeks time in London for open septorhinoplasty with last base reduction. I was due to have it done next week but they had to postpone due to Covid which really threw me because I had mentally prepared myself and Iā€™ve been so worried about being put to sleep as Iā€™ve never had general anaesthetic before so this will be my first time.
    How did you find the bruising? Iā€™m thinking of taking Arnica tablets to try and help the bruising go down quicker.
    So happy with your results as i too struggled to find much on Dr Giannis but after meeting him and speaking to some of his patients, I was out at ease straight away.

    Megan 15

    Hey Hollie!

    Aww its horrible when it gets moved isnā€™t it, so disappointing but you just have to remind yourself itā€™s all for the best and it will be worth the wait šŸ˜˜

    I know what you mean about the anaesthetic, Iā€™ve not gone under either! I can honestly say it was fine though, itā€™s over before you even know it. I donā€™t even remember waking up in recovery I just remember being back in my room haha

    My bruising wasnā€™t as bad as I thought it would be. I told myself to expect the worse and then youā€™re not shocked. I took arnica tablets about 3 days before me op every few hours and then a few days after too. I also used arnica cream on my bruising. Who knows if this contributed to the lack of bruising but Iā€™d do it again just in case. I also found the Kool n Soothe migraine head strips really helped during the night id definitely recommend stocking up on them!

    So excited for you! If you have any questions before or even after your op drop me a message, I know it can be reassuring speaking to people who have been through it too xxx

    Hollie 9

    Hi Megan,

    Thatā€™s so lovely of you! Thank you so much.

    Iā€™ve got less than 2 weeks left now until my rearranged date and Iā€™m getting so excited and just keeping everything crossed that it doesnā€™t get postponed again. I keep looking at your pics and the other girls on this thread and honestly I am so excited to finally not feel so self conscious about my nose.
    When I first told my sister that I had booked my date, she said to me ā€˜why donā€™t you just love what youā€™ve gotā€™ but I said well itā€™s on my face and I canā€™t ever hide it if Iā€™m having a bad day – like if Iā€™m having a bloated day then I wear a baggy jumper… you canā€™t do that with a nose that you hate! šŸ˜‚

    Iā€™ve only told my parents, sister and my partner that Iā€™m having the procedure done. Itā€™s such an exciting time in my life and finally feel like Iā€™m doing something for me after spending the last 10+ years hating my nose!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Iā€™ll definitely be sharing mine too when itā€™s done.

    Iā€™ll keep you updated xxx

    Megan 15

    Aww you sound exactly like me hun and honestly itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve done after so long hating it itā€™s such a relief! Itā€™ll all be worth it šŸ˜˜

    Good luck fingers and toes crossed for you it all goes ahead šŸ¤žšŸ½ Xxx

    Beth 1

    Thank you so much for posting this. I had a consultation with Dr Andrea last year and was keen to get booked to be told he wasnā€™t returning. MYA suggested Dr Giannas and I couldnā€™t find any rhinoplasty reviews on him.

    Your new nose looks absolutely amazing! So excited to get mine booked in xxx


    Hi Megan. Your nose looks incredible!
    Iā€™m currently looking into the procedure and found your post so informative. Would you mind me asking you a few questions about your experience? Xx

    Georgia 1

    Hey lovely do you have an account for your nose? I feel like we have similar noses and your after is amazing!!

    Megan 15

    Hi Lily! Iā€™m so glad you found the post useful, I know how reassuring it is to speak to people who have had the procedure so absolutely ask away ā˜ŗļø Xx

    Megan 15

    Hi Georgia,

    Thanks so much! I donā€™t unfortunately but if you have any questions ask away šŸ˜˜ xx

    Megan 15

    Thanks Beth!! Good luck with yours šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

    Anon 4

    Hi, I also had an open septo rhinoplasty with Dr Giannas 9 weeks ago. I feel like my nose is so upturned and not what I asked for. I know itā€™s still early days and thereā€™s still a lot of swelling but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this with Dr Giannas and if your nose did eventually drop?

    Hollie 9

    I had mine done!!

    Hollie 9

    I had mine done!! Xx

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    Shelbie 15

    Hi girls, your noses both look amazing!
    Anon – I do believe it will drop, I am now 6 months post op and have noticed that my nose has dropped ever so slightly. It did take time as I have only noticed after taking a picture but I have seen other noses that have also dropped x

    Megan 15

    Hi girls! Omg they both look amazing šŸ„° congratulations!

    I think it looks gorgeous as it is (especially only 9 weeks PO!) so I wouldnā€™t let it stress you out too much (easier said than done know) if it doesnā€™t change but I understand if itā€™s not what you asked for/wanted it can be disappointing. The only think I can say is definitely trust the process! Mine has dropped Iā€™d say and iā€™m 7 months PO now.

    Iā€™ve attached a pic of my 9 week PO (right) vs now (left) just so you can get an idea. Hopefully that helps doll xxx

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    Hi I’m ten days post op with dr giannas and mine is the same as yours , I feel mine is so upturned,definitely a lot more than yours , and this is the last thing I said not to do as we were walking to surgery. Can I ask how you nose is now please, has it dropped at all? Thank you.

    Anon 4

    Hey Kerry, Iā€™m 3.5 months post op now and my nose has dropped to a normal level thankfully! Iā€™d say it dropped at the 12 week mark. It probably hasnā€™t dropped as much as I wanted but it looks at a natural level, and it may still drop more. Donā€™t stress youā€™re still very very early days and recovery takes time. Good luck! X

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