Opinions from Partners??? Started by: ktlun

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  • ktlun

    Hey ladies

    Just wanted to know, if any of you have boyfriends, husbands, partners have they been really supportive?? Also if you have had the op already, how have they been now that you have new boobs??? I’m a little worried, because my boyfriend doesnt really want me to have my boobs done (he’s happy the way they are- which most of us ladies have probably all heard!!) but Im worried that when I get them done, will it put him off me?? will he like them too???

    Would like to know you own thoughts and experiences please!

    Wendy :bigsmile:


    KT ive been feelin the same, my partner has been so supportive bless him and has said the same about loving me the way i am etc, but i keep gettin worried that he wont like it after, that it’ll put him off etc, but he keeps sayin there’s no way it’ll put him off me ;~) nudge nudge…i think his quite excited deep down really xx


    When I told my boyfriend he didn’t believe me at first. I’ve been with him for over 2 & a half years & he knows I’ve always wanted them done. He said that I was just going to get loads of attention off the guys if I got them done, but I’m getting them done for ME & NO ONE ELSE! He is supportive as he knows it’s what I really want, but my Mum’s the one who’s going through the whole experience with me. I haven’t involved him so much as I don’t think he’s really bothered! As awful as that sounds, haha. I know he’ll love them once I’ve had it done! But at the end of the day, I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I know that this is what’s going to make me happy & give me the confindence I lack. I can’t wait! :D xxx


    Thanks girls :) I appreciate that!! I feel exactly the same, and I am doing this for me and noone else! hahaha sara, I’ve been saying to my bf, that the bedroom department will be having a re-vamp too!!! haha. Same with me Bex, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years 8 months now, and he’s always known that I wanted them done too!



    Haha yeah thats soooooooo true KT, they’ll love it for that reason alone!! haha

    check out the post i just posted! am so excited!!! x x x

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