Opp day so excited Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 4

    Today is the day can’t wait x

    Jade 6

    Good luck! Xx


    good luck x

    Simone 12

    Good luck 🙂 x

    Harriet 88

    Good luck Charlotte x

    Charlotte 4

    Aww thank you girls, I’m now out of theatre and now have boobs!! I’m in no pain at all xx

    Jade 6

    Aww congratulations on your new additions! ? I hope I have no pain lol! My op is sat and nerves are starting to kick in a bit now lol. What cc and profile did u have?? Xx

    Hayley 30

    How come you had overs if you don’t mind me asking ? Did he offer you both? Looking forward to seeing your results I’m toying between overs and unders x

    Charlotte 4

    @jade aww thank you chick, I’ve been really laid back I wasn’t nerves at all tbh, but I’ve had no pain at all the worst part is getting the needle in your hand for your drip. I went for 375cc high profile overs what you getting?xx

    Charlotte 4

    @hayley hi chick I didn’t have a choice he told me overs would be the best result for me so I just went with what he said because he knows his stuff ha. What cc you going for? But I’m glad I went with overs and on the plus side having I pain at all il up load some photos soon so you can see the results x

    Hayley 30

    did he not I wish he hadn’t given me a choice it’s so hard to decide I’ll look forward to pictures (sounds creepy that haha) x

    Jade 6

    Oh really haha!! I thought I would be more nervous, I think I’m more excited than anything Coz I’ve wanted it for so long lol! I’m having 400cc uhp under the muscle. Hoping I’ll achieve a dd ? Xx

    Charlotte 4

    @hayley theirs is some before and afters still swollen though since I only had them done today but I love them already xxx

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    Hayley 30

    I’ve just wrote somewhere else they look amazing I would be happy if mine were like yours makes my decision even harder I just don’t know what to go with wish he hadn’t given me a choice xx

    Charlotte 4

    @hayleyits so hard trying to choose he give me the of 350,375 and 400s but with mr only being small I new 400s would be far to big for me I love the size they have gone to mr traynor said their a DD to a E at the moment so I’m happy I went with 375cc and I only make up my mind 10 minutes before my opp when he came to see me so go with what you think I’m happy I went for bigger xx

    Charlotte 4

    @jade I went with 375cc and their a DD to an E arm so you will have no problem making it to a DD with 400s xx

    Hayley 30

    I’ve chosen my middle size too 425 though but I’m 5″11 he said he would go for the 450 if he was me , he did say if he was me he would have overs wish I had questioned more why , just the risks have worried me since I’ve been home!x

    Charlotte 4

    Aww right yeah that’s quite bigger then me im only 5,2 and 8 and. A half stone so I didn’t want them to big. But you can question him more on the day when he comes and sees you I did I had in my head that I wanted 350s and after speaking to him he said that wouldn’t go to a DD like I wanted so I changed them last min on the day. But mr traynor orders 3 different sizes in for your opp day just incase but their is less risks with overs chick xx

    Hayley 30

    My pc ordered my implants and only ordered 2 different sizes I’m happy with size just whether to have unders or overs , don’t think I can decide that on the day, what are the lower risks of overs ? Everything I’ve read suggests otherwise x

    Charlotte 4

    Aww I decided on the day he came in and asked me what I’m having ect and if I was happy, it’s less recovery time, less pain, they easier to place because it doesn’t touch your muscle ect you can ask him that one the day or you could ring up Mya and ask them some questions if that helps Hun xx

    Hayley 30

    If he said he would recommend them for my body I would completely trust him it’s just the fact he has given me a choice , I’ve been trying to ring and not got an answer I’m going to try and see my pc when I go for my pre op, my op is 4 weeks today can’t wait x

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