Other than wishing they were big bigger love them;) Started by: Gabby

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  • Gabby

    Mr mounir has done a brill job! Very near scars! 3 weeks post op. Swellings gone down and they are starting to soften. Each boobs seems to be doing it at a different rate tho at the min seems one of my boobs has started to drop earlier than the other so ones boobs slightly higher at the minute hopefully they will both look great when they settle. I am thinking one is noticeably bigger but hopefully it’s just swelling as I couldn’t notice this before my op but I seem to do now. Anyone else notice this during there post op xx

    Laura 13

    Think its quite normal for one to drop before the other.


    Ahh glad to hear you’re happy @Gabby! What sizes did you go for? I’ve got Mr Mounir on Monday. He’s meant to be fab

    I’ve read and heard that the boobs do drop at different rates, and it’s perfectly normal for one to appear bigger. I suppose it’s just like swelling anywhere else on your body. I wouldn’t worry about it at 3 weeks xx


    I went for 410 high profile partials 🙂 I love them :)! Just can’t wait to wear a proper bra! Xx

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