Ouch!! Sort of BA related -_- Started by: Jessica (@jessc92)

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    So I’ve booked my surgery for December then I read you have to come if the pill two weeks before and two weeks after… Well panic!!
    I know there’s other contraception condoms but let’s face it no one likes them and I don’t trust them… (Bad experience) so I decided to change to the copper coil and OUCH it hurts so bad! Has anyone got the coil and had a ba?


    Hi Jessica

    I have the Mirena Coil not the copper had it in for almost two years, I don’t even notice it now to be honest, but when I first got it in I was a bit tender for a day or two. I am 9 days post op now xxx


    Thanks Hun, hopefully these cramps will pass soon. I’ve tried nearly every option now. How was your op? Recovering well I hope 🙂 xx

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