Ouuuuccccchhhh!!!! Started by: Megan

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  • Megan 13

    I’m 1 week post op today, and I haven’t really had any pain as such, ive had the odd uncomfortable feeling.. Little bit tight at times but nothing ive sat and thought “that’s quite painful”….. Until today!!!!!! Owwww!
    I have got the WORST shooting pain from my incisions to my nipples… Especially when I stand up! I tried to feel where it was hurting and I only slightly touched the skin just above the incision (I still have the steri strips on) and below the nipple and ohhhh my word I nearly fell to my knees! I can’t even check how my incisions are! I lifted my bra to see if I could see anything and as soon as I saw the steri strip I fell to my knees and went really light headed! I won’t ever be able to look at the incisions till they are fully healed! Has anyone else had this sharp pain??? In the same place? Im up seeing the nurse tomorrow for my 1 week check up and have the plaster bits removed so I’m sure she will check them but I was just curious as to if this was normal, thanks ladies xxxxx

    clairelk 29

    Hya hun. Its just everything healing n niggling back tgether. Dont worry. Ave got my 1 week check up tmr also x

    Trace 158

    Yeah I got that, shooting nipple pain, especially when moving my arm in certain positions; it’s just the nerves reconnecting, it’ll calm down soon!! Xx

    Megan 13

    Thanks girls! It’s the only bit of pain ive really felt, so I’m thankful for that but my gosh it hurt doesn’t it!!! – least I know it’s normal now, was worried it was something to do with my incision!

    Oh really at manchester claire?? – I’m in at 2:30 :)! Xx

    clairelk 29

    Aww no. Newcastle clinic at 3. Cant wait to have a look at incision s n make sure everythings ok x

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