Over 16 weeks post op…gym related. Started by: Nips

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  • Nips 2

    Ive really struggled with my weight since having my B.A… probably not a big deal to some people but i have almost put a stone in weight on despite going back to the gym religiously.
    Anyway what i really wanted to know is if anyone else is experiencing this too…. after i have been running for about 2.5miles i get really sharp stabbing like pains in the underneath of my boobs and if i press them it happens also. it wears off after about half an hour, is this the nerves still mending?


    Hi Hun, I put on 10lb po too, it’s soooo depressing! I’ve started running again too, and I get boob ache fr an hour afterwards. I’m 11wks po, so it must all be part of the healing x xcx

    Nips 2

    I know it’s the worst, nice new boobs and then you get nice little muffin tops haha xx

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