Over a year post op BA & areola reduction Started by: Alex

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  • Alex 9

    Thought I would post my before and a year after to help girls see the difference and the scarring. As you can see the scars are practically invisble, I got 250/275cc with Dr Marcelino and the scars are only round the nipple as he placed the implant through there too. Honestly so happy no regrets at all. I’m here to help anyone X x

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Alex 9.
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    Lucylu 5

    Hi alex, how long did it take for the nipple scars to heal or become less visible? Ive had a nipple reduction and I’m really freaking out about it now x


    Can’t even see scars! Awesome!


    You look amazing! I’m 8DPO and although healing seems to be going really well, I feel down that I can’t do normal stuff like pick up my children or reach up to the top shelf. Trying to think long term but can’t help feeling a bit emotional. Can you remember when you feel back to normal?! Xx

    Alex 9

    It took about 6 months so patience is key! Use scar gel as well☺️x

    Alex 9

    Thank you!! I was back to normal after 2 weeks, the recovery was really quick honestly! It shouldn’t take long at all xx

    Jo -1

    Wow Alex they look amazing!!! Seeing this has really helped me so thank you. I’ve got very large Areolas, have always hated the sight of my boobs and have always been self conceious about them, have wanted them sorted for ages now and have finally got up the courage to do something about it!! xx

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